Given how much variety ESO provides build-wise and character-wise, it's actually surprising to see that the game only offers up to 15 character slots. Other major western MMOs such as Guild Wars (28), Guild Wars 2 (64) and Star Wars: The Old Republic (54) allow a really high number of characters per account or per server. And this is becoming a concern of mine since Necromancer is coming. Will there be a rise in slots?
And why exactly am I worrying myself about slots n general and asking for the possibility of a raise? Well, each class has four distinct roles: a stamina DD, a magicka DD, a tank and a healer. If someone wishes to try these four roles per account, they would require 20 character slots. With the Necromancer coming, one would need 24 slots... but the game only allows players 15 per region. That would be fine if... all purchases and unlocks weren't strictly bound to one region (which is alarmingly unnecessary).
I know I'm in the minority here. As much as people love customizing characters and trying out builds, it seems like the majority of players stick that kind of thing into one or a few characters. I honestly love making new characters and trying out new builds without having to make a mess out of an existing character already.