Im tired of tracking cooldowns for random dungeon or trial quests. Theres no way to track this in game and for trial quests cooldown is exactly a week (not a week minus 4 hours like for everything else) which mean that doing trial in the same time every week yoll be getting rewards only every other week.
Actually Im not sure why we need these cooldowns at all. It would be much better to reset activity at the set time. Im talking about the foolowing activities:
Weekly leaderbords - already reset in a set time (tuesday if im not mistaken)
Weekly trial quests - too should reset every tuesday like weekly leaderboards
(optional) Vampire and Werewolf bite - also might reset every tuesday, but we can clearly see its cooldown, so maybe just leave it as is
Daily quests - already reset every morning
Random BG and random dungeon - should reset every morning together with daily quests
Cooldown for getting "the first" reward for the worthy - should reset every morning
Eligibility for getting event ticket - I guess we are done with 20-h cds, so now it resets every morning, which is right
(optional) Hireling mails - this one is tricky, as the cooldawn is 12 hours. Might reset twice a day, but again its not that important
I think I didnt miss any activities or did I? And this way it would be less data for game to track