Without a large overhaul, there are little things that could improve QoL in guilds easily!
1. I know there's a lot of salt about how expensive the crown store assistants are, but I think we all know it's never going to go down in price (barring the Black Friday sale last November). Having said that, I'd be willing to buy a Guild banking assistant. Maybe Tythis has a relative in the business?
2. Shared storage. Can there be a shared storage chest, capacity 100 slots bought for writs like the crafting tables, that anyone can access if you put it in your house/guild Hall. This will eliminate bank run fears while keeping those who want to give stuff away a place to do it easily.
3 An option to mark a house as guild or primary home so those hosting guild halls can also have a private home.
4. Permission to edit own note vs permission to edit all notes. It can't be that hard to limit this!!
5. Mass mail for guild owner announcements. Changing the guild info works but what a terrible workaround.
What improvements would you like to make our guild lives better?