Class Change Token

Would you pay double the price of a New Character Slot Token for a Class Change Token?
Edited by kvlou79 on January 7, 2019 10:39PM

Class Change Token 54 votes

Yes. Happily.
FaulgorMalthorneRecktrithiusOediphitryFauxHunterTanis-StormbinderAtallantaGoratesqueSarevoccregge5SwedishMiniiRogue32BigevilpeterBananarafaelcsmaiaFischblutNyladreasSerasWhipfakingfocusedricho262kvlou79 39 votes
No, I like to grind new characters.
otis67XundiinCipherNineTurelusDarlonkojouManwithBeard9BrrrofskiRygonixMinyassaJobooAGSThorstiennezio45Starlockccmedaddy 15 votes
  • idk
    Title makes no sense and we already have an active poll about class change tokens.

    As I stated there, Zos has access to much better analytics than a simple forum poll. I expect Zos would add the token if their data suggests it would be good business and increase revenue. Until then it will not happen because they make money overall from players rolling new characters. So again, Zos has no reason to look at this poll. Sorry.
  • dazee
    I would pay up to 3000 crowns no more.
    Playing your character the way your character should play is all that matters. Play as well as you can but never betray the character. Doing so would make playing an mmoRPG pointless.
  • Starlock
    No, I like to grind new characters.
    Poor poll, because my answer is not "no, I like grinding new characters" it's a "no, I like creating new characters because that's basically the entire reason why I play this game, thanks."

    That said, not really looking forward to it if the new class is necromancer. Bleh, necromancers. I never play them, like... ever. In any RPG.
    Edited by Starlock on January 7, 2019 9:47PM
  • kvlou79
    Yes. Happily.
    idk wrote: »
    Title makes no sense and we already have an active poll about class change tokens.

    As I stated there, Zos has access to much better analytics than a simple forum poll. I expect Zos would add the token if their data suggests it would be good business and increase revenue. Until then it will not happen because they make money overall from players rolling new characters. So again, Zos has no reason to look at this poll. Sorry.

    Fixed title. Thanks
  • tamrielwinner
    i'm not seeing this one happen.
  • Tasear
    Nah but daily riding skill pack as a daily reward would do so well.
  • Rygonix
    No, I like to grind new characters.
    It's not that I like leveling new characters, it's that I have trouble with impulse control and buyer's remorse. I know I'd pick one up, come to regret it then be screwed out of however much ZoS charged for it plus more should I desire to reverse my decision. And Lord forbid ZoS adds a lengthy CD (Month+) to it.

    Granted I could contact support and deal with it that way, but I'm not a big fan of picking poisons to envenom myself with.
    Ceres Des Mortem-Dark Elf Templar, EP
  • Latios
    Biased poll. I wouldn’t pay “happily” and I hate grinding new characters.
    The Eon Pokémon.
  • Brrrofski
    No, I like to grind new characters.
    You can get to level 50, all skills needed, undaunted 9 and assault 5 in around 20 hours without busting a gut.

    You could probably do it in about 10 if you went full on.

    Class change is a recipe for diasaster. Every update brings a new meta and everyone will change to that. PvP would be horrendous.
  • GarnetFire17
    Class or race change tokens should be 500 crowns tops.
  • GarnetFire17
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    You can get to level 50, all skills needed, undaunted 9 and assault 5 in around 20 hours without busting a gut.

    You could probably do it in about 10 if you went full on.

    Class change is a recipe for diasaster. Every update brings a new meta and everyone will change to that. PvP would be horrendous.

    But if you have months of researching traits and hundreds of learned motifs and recipes on that character you want to change? There is always going to be a meta that most people are going to be playing with. That is what meta means. letting them change class would just make it worth while for people the play pvp. The answer is to make is so that the meta is not that much better than the next best other builds. Also just because a build is meta that doesn't mean is the most fun to play with.
  • Bigevilpeter
    Yes. Happily.
    Yeah when the necromancer hits I really dont want to regrind all the tedious skill trees and grind to level 50 and get skyshards and horse training
  • Turelus
    No, I like to grind new characters.
    I would rather just make a new character and grind for a week or two to get what's needed then spend money on it.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Nyladreas
    Yes. Happily.
    idk wrote: »
    Title makes no sense and we already have an active poll about class change tokens.

    As I stated there, Zos has access to much better analytics than a simple forum poll. I expect Zos would add the token if their data suggests it would be good business and increase revenue. Until then it will not happen because they make money overall from players rolling new characters. So again, Zos has no reason to look at this poll. Sorry.

    I mean if that's actually the way you're looking at it (them not gaining revenue), then I really disagree. Having the option to both buy a class change and other items for tons of alts (that half the people voting yes, don't even have) should actually increase revenue. Especially if implemented in a smart way with a limiting conditional and long cooldown.

    That way people would still make alts. Not to mention that only an idiot would want to switch their beloved main to something they don't already have a maxed out alt for TO KNOW how it plays.
    Edited by Nyladreas on January 8, 2019 2:50PM
  • Nyladreas
    Yes. Happily.
    Turelus wrote: »
    I would rather just make a new character and grind for a week or two to get what's needed then spend money on it.

    Doesn't mean you still can't if they add it... The heck???
  • Oberstein
    Got 1 token during sale hope it's worth it.
    History, like a human being, is thirsty when it wakes from its slumber…History wants to drink up an enormous amount of blood. And even if history has tired of drinking blood, that’s only in regards to the amount. But what about quality? The larger the sacrifice is, the more delighted the cruel gods will be.
  • kvlou79
    Yes. Happily.
    Here’s my thing. I already have a “necromancer”, but he’s really a nightblade :( At least allow the option, no one has to buy anything in this game.
    Edited by kvlou79 on January 15, 2019 8:44PM
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