validifyedneb18_ESO wrote: »If they're going to do that, why dont they just replace the entire main quest?
The world of ESO has been in what feels like story line stasis for 4 years now. The main quest really doesn't reflect content fitting the current game. The number of times ive had to explain to new players that its basically just old content and the reason it feels different and bad is because it was designed for a different/worse kind of game, from back at launch.
I can't actually remember the voice acting for him it's been so long since I have done the MQ! Is it that bad?? A lot of the vanilla voice acting was ok. Especially Abnur Thar, Mannimarco, Molag and The Prophet. And most importantly Cadwell.
Sylvermynx wrote: »I don't like VA period. Good, excellent or otherwise. I hear everyone inside my mind as I play. I do NOT want someone's else's idea of a voice to overwrite my own vision of what that person should sound like.
I actually DETEST the prevalence of VA in games. How I hear people (in my mind) is far more important than whoever thinks someone should make millions for voice-acting Galerion or Bal.
Sylvermynx wrote: »Sorry - as far as I'm concerned there is no excuse for VA in games period. Seriously.... they waste MILLIONS of dollars on VA. None of us "hear" the people as what the devs think is right.
Well... hmmm. Maybe I'm just way different there. Any dev-product VA stuff has never once been how I heard that voice in my own mind. So - for me, VA it a total throwaway - HUGE amounts of money spent on crap I never hear.
Lots of better places to spend that money.....
Sylvermynx wrote: »Sorry - as far as I'm concerned there is no excuse for VA in games period. Seriously.... they waste MILLIONS of dollars on VA. None of us "hear" the people as what the devs think is right.
Well... hmmm. Maybe I'm just way different there. Any dev-product VA stuff has never once been how I heard that voice in my own mind. So - for me, VA it a total throwaway - HUGE amounts of money spent on crap I never hear.
Lots of better places to spend that money.....
Having played through the vanilla main quest numerous times I think it’s safe to say the voice acting for Vanus Galerion is horrible. I’ve tried locating the actor responsible for this travesty.
Amusingly I can find almost every other voice actor but his. ESO should do like Destiny & completely redo his voice like they did Peter Dinklages bored reading of the lines.
validifyedneb18_ESO wrote: »Sylvermynx wrote: »Sorry - as far as I'm concerned there is no excuse for VA in games period. Seriously.... they waste MILLIONS of dollars on VA. None of us "hear" the people as what the devs think is right.
Well... hmmm. Maybe I'm just way different there. Any dev-product VA stuff has never once been how I heard that voice in my own mind. So - for me, VA it a total throwaway - HUGE amounts of money spent on crap I never hear.
Lots of better places to spend that money.....
Right, but look at it this way, VA is cheaper than you make it out, a lot of people love it, and when the game first came out a bit selling point was the complete VA. If it sells it sells. And you can continue to not like it and keep it muted, but ultimately the creation of a retail product by a big company like Zeni (or Bethesda at large) is an exercise in marketing and budgeting. If they say games need VA, its probably because the marketing department say the investment will be worth the return.
Just an alternative perspective. Personally I think some games do voice acting superbly without it feeling like its limited the game at all while also adding tonnes of character and nuance. Divinity Original Sin 2 for example. ESO on the otherhand does rather leave a lot to be desired. If the alternative was a more skyrim-like RPG system than a linear tree with "feeler" options, I would have taken it any day. But lets be honest, we where never getting that, especially at launch.