Once upon a time there was a Little Sorcerer. He lived his days happily in the land of Tamriel, killing and slaying members of the Covenant and pact. He did this only one on one however, for he knew that sorcerers were only able to 1vX potatoes and Stamblades. One fall day the Little Sorcerer was walking in the woods when he happened upon a large troll. Long had he heard of the great troll, Zos, for many of the local towns folk feared the troll. widespread were the rumors of how the troll had killed off the order of the templars who had ventured in the land of Morrowind, wielding a great powerful weapon known only as The Nerf Notes. The Little Sorcerer tried to run but his elven legs were no match for the troll. His stamina bar plummeted empty, as he was unable to outlast the beast. Zos took the Little Sorcerers magic shield from his hand, holding it far in the air above the little sorcerers head. The great troll, Zos, proclaimed that he intended to break the shield. The little sorcerer begged and pleaded with the troll. Without his magic shield he was not competitive in pvp and was defenseless. Before the last of his sentence left his mouth Zos broke the magic shield over his large troll knee cracking it in two. A Stamblade who had been watching quietly cloaked behind a bush accidentally revealed himself by letting out a chuckle at the little sorcerers woes. The troll walked off into the distance, through with the Little Sorcerer for he had nothing left to break. The Little Sorcerer picked the pieces of his shattered shield off the ground and held them close to his chest. From that day on he was an Angry Little Sorcerer, he retreated losing the battle back to his home.
Back in his home the Angry Little Sorcerer told his friends of the injustice the great troll, Zos, had done. He had their sympathy but alas they could do nothing to help. The Angry Little Sorcerer became fixated on his shield and in time one by one his friends grew tired of his cries. One day they had had enough, telling him to shut up about it. To them he did, but to the world he did not. The Angry Little Sorcerer traveled to the great city of The Web to speak in the theater there, a forum if you will. Long he sought out allies to aid him on his quest to slay the great beast there. Seeking to starve it of the crowns on which it fed. He did find allies but not enough to hinder the troll. Low and defeated the Angry Little Sorcerer once again retreated to his home.
There he sat, thinking of how there was nothing left for him in the land of Tamerial. He gathered what belongings he had and placed them into a pack. The Angry Little Sorcerer gathered the pieces of his broken shield and wrapped them lovingly in a clothe before placing the wrap into the pack too. The Angry Little Sorcerer had heard tales while in the city of the web of lush plains in a place called the wild west, know to a far off land called America. He placed his pack on his back and walked out the door to begin his long travel for new lands, hoping one day that he might yet mend his beloved shield and his heart too.
The End