I have recently moved back to PC after being over on Xbox for some time.
Really enjoying the PC version however I have a long way ahead of me until I reach Max CP!
Now this isn’t one of those “why is it so damn hard to catch up” posts. Many players have been on PC since launch and of course it should by no means be easy to catch up. In fact I welcome the long road ahead of me as it gives me a goal
My question is this, with the current catch up mechanic of progressively harder CP gain, how much of a task is it to catch up?
I’m not really into grinding and will likely be gaining most of my cp from daily’s, dungeons, and a mix of other content
I also like to vary my playstyle so my plan would be to work on CP with my main, whilst enlightened and once enlightenment runs out start levelling my other classes
Playing this way how long should I expect to reach the milestones of CP600 and C1000
I realise that I only need CP160 for max gear and will get diminishing returns from CP gain past a certain point
I know that what I am asking is very subjective to the circumstance / gear / playstyle / scrolls etc.. I am more interested to hear your personal experience with how you play and how long it took you
Thanks in advance