As many players are aware for users on the other side of the planet such as Australia even with 150mb connections we cannot achieve a ping of below 200ms, with more common pings of 350+ms.
This limits DPS parse in game significantly, when a bar swap alone is averaging 1000ms.
1. ZOS implement a Pan Pacific region server. This is the best solution but also the most expensive.
2. ZOS implement server side macro UI for users over "X" distance from the servers and / or pings exceeding 300ms. I am sure this may upset some people in regards to PVP so maybe at least allow them for PVE content even as far as limiting their usage to Vet Dungeons, Trials and practice dummy's.
I am aware ZOS terms and conditions explicitly state no "MACROS" however there are plenty of youtube videos showing the use via local mouse and keyboard macro programs, but as the videos show these are highly ineffective due to fluctuating ping rate and appear to only work 20% of the time for users with high / fluctuating pings. Hence a server side macro UI is required as a single command could trigger 5 abilities / barswap etc.... additionally the server side macros could be designed to simulate 100ms ping.
I understand this will start the debate that this method would remove the skill requirement and essentially make ESO on "easy mode" hence why i thought of limiting it to PVE Vet dungeons / Trialls / Solo dungeons including vDSA, vMA.
If you have any thoughts please do leave them below. Addressing this issue would make ESO much more enjoyable for large percentage of players.