Farming bsw inferno is a really time consuming thing. Talking from experience. And Ms inferno is pretty expensive. If I was you I'd use Julianos inferno, until you get sth better Julianos and ms should work perfectly fine. Later you want siroria and spell start but siroria and ms/bsw with siroria full body works really well.
Farming bsw inferno is a really time consuming thing. Talking from experience. And Ms inferno is pretty expensive. If I was you I'd use Julianos inferno, until you get sth better Julianos and ms should work perfectly fine. Later you want siroria and spell start but siroria and ms/bsw with siroria full body works really well.
I would keep bsw up at all times i think. Pair it with either of the other two and drop the 5th piece on the vMA staff bar. I think you'll want two flame staff set up for the bsw up time.
Otherwise go with juli and mothers sorrow. Still and decent set up and you'll hit decent dps. I'd drop the 5th MS piece personally.
Ohhgrizyyy wrote: »
I mean I've been told that if BSW is on your front bar that it can proc from your blockade casted on your back bar once you swap back to front
On a mnb I get about 50-55%bsw uptime with bsw on front bar. Also of course you want double inferno, I think on all combinations even. The best theoretically possible is 60% or sth like that. And I heard bsw front bar is better than ms or siroria.
Best way to farm it is on a nightblade looting the chests only. Get a ton of mag recovery and cloak through the first instance of coa1 with mappings you get the locations of the all possible chest spawns and then you use rapid and cloak and sprint through the dungeons. My staff dropped from a chest and it took me about 500 resets or sth like that. Get a group of 4 players for max chance. If you get volunteers lmfao
I did think this. Because after you swap bar the wall is still ticking. For me personally i'd feel it would do better with double flame staff as i use wall on one bar and flame clench on the other therefore more up time of bsw. I'm not up to date on pve builds tho tbh but i get by ok lol
Mother’s sorrow can hit harder, but you have to depend on somewhat random crit damage. Julianos is much more consistent. If you want to get your highest dummy parse numbers, use mother’s sorrow and do a bunch of parses. Eventually, you’ll get that one anomaly parse that’s like 2k higher than the others. Then go back to Julianos : )People say it's still great, but looks like a very situational proc which you'd have to keep an eye on to get better results. Running on Julianos 5x on armor, BSW 5x on jewelry + staves and 2x Valkyn Skoria. Hearing so much about MS being great I got the parts to replace Julianos and tested it, but the resulting dps was lower than Julianos, so there's that.