Trading mounts and pets

I absolutly love the mounts and pets. But I got a load that I won in crates and I never use. Cant there be a system that the players can trade them with eachother or that you trade them back for another mount?
Even if it is 2 for one.

Or maybe something else because I know that I have a lot of guars that other people really would want.
  • NorthernNightmare
    It would be awesome but they will never do it because it would dip into their potential earnings
  • kinguardian
    Yeah that is true of course although on the other hand it maybe encourages people to buy more crates because if they get a mount or pet they dont like they can switch it. Even if it is 2 to 1 with the store or 1 to 1 with other players.

    Ah yeah gotta keep dreaming LOL
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