To whom the shoe fits.
to all you paranoid players
I got three 370 chars
Now I decided to level a new Char as Master Craftsman/woman
Yes, I look for resources a lot because they are naturally so cheap to buy...haha.
I walk everywhere and that seems to annoy many players. You know...
harvesting crafting resources and walking of course equals 'Bot' naturally
in the minds of many players.
I am really getting sick of being accosted by paranoid players challenging me for a duel just to find out if I am a 'Bot' player.
I mean..Veteran players challenging a lowly level 18 Char stomping about where no one else harvests. Come on... Really?
Worse are those players who threaten to report me if I do not respond to their 'silly' requests to answer.
Yes, 'Bots' are a bother...certainly....but not every player who behaves differently from 'You paranoid players' is a bot.
please get of your 'playing different is bad' horse and leave me be. I am having fun leveling a pure Crafting Char.. .
it is a lot of know.
Kara Kitsune
I got accussed of being a bot twice. I was for not particular reason murdering murcrabs on beach. Another time this one guy keep looking at me as I farmed x small animal with my werewolf. There was another at dolmen too cause I was being lazy and just standing nearby to get xp.
Some people don't understand what bots would look like. The ones in shadowfen are pretty obvious.
lordrichter wrote: »I got accussed of being a bot twice. I was for not particular reason murdering murcrabs on beach. Another time this one guy keep looking at me as I farmed x small animal with my werewolf. There was another at dolmen too cause I was being lazy and just standing nearby to get xp.
Some people don't understand what bots would look like. The ones in shadowfen are pretty obvious.
Standing at a dolmen collecting XP was one of those times when ZOS was apparently actively booting players. Some of them were "bots", at least in the sense that no player was there while they were collecting XP. Some were even casting spells or doing light attacks on where the boss dropped on a regular timer. I reported them when I saw them. Mainly at the dolmen near Vulkhel Guard.
In response to this, if I had to be AFK while waiting for the next anchor to drop or boss to spawn, I would back way up so that I was not near the combat. I have pets, and I did not want them to become engaged while I was away.
Yep I feel you, apparently wearing kellopi essence automatically turns you into a bot "according to players."
I want to share this insight since I once stalked players in craglorn and accidentally stalked a bot, not just one bot but two.
Harvester bots:Additionally, before you accuse someone as harvest there bot; Try luring mobs near them and see if they chase the target then repeat this and see if they go on forever. I don't know if this will work since they are harvester bots not leather farmer bots but try it anyways. Video example below.
- They don't sprint
- They stop then jump randomly for no reason
- All interaction is ignored, no decline replies.
- AI like movement (When a player make a turn and you see another does exactly the same in perfect rhythm, it's a bot.)
- When stealing their node: They stop for a sec & they don't spit any reaction. (I did this for almost 3 hours while stalking them.)
Please do remember botting makes some people a lot of money and every time you publicly describe how you know a bot is a bot it's the same as asking them to make adjustments to not look like that.
That said, if someone confronts you and thinks you're a bot - tell them you're not. If they persist, report them for harassment. I walk a fine line when I go looking for bots but I also have a character literally named B'dub the Bot Reporter and make it well-known in the zone that I'm out and about. Most regulars know me and most new folks appreciate the efforts. But if someone is being a jerk about it to you... well, reporting works both ways. Let 'em have it. *shrug*
Hoolielulu wrote: »I'm convinced that people who do that have never actually seen a bot. Game needs a "middle finger" emote.
To whom the shoe fits.
to all you paranoid players
I got three 370 chars
Now I decided to level a new Char as Master Craftsman/woman
Yes, I look for resources a lot because they are naturally so cheap to buy...haha.
I walk everywhere and that seems to annoy many players. You know...
harvesting crafting resources and walking of course equals 'Bot' naturally
in the minds of many players.
I am really getting sick of being accosted by paranoid players challenging me for a duel just to find out if I am a 'Bot' player.
I mean..Veteran players challenging a lowly level 18 Char stomping about where no one else harvests. Come on... Really?
Worse are those players who threaten to report me if I do not respond to their 'silly' requests to answer.
Yes, 'Bots' are a bother...certainly....but not every player who behaves differently from 'You paranoid players' is a bot.
please get of your 'playing different is bad' horse and leave me be. I am having fun leveling a pure Crafting Char.. .
it is a lot of know.
Kara Kitsune
Well, are you wearing prisoner’s rags and a 2 handed nondescript greatsword with a character named with random garbled letters and numbers? Maybe reconsider that decision.
The accusers are obviously idiots, anyone with half a brain knows that bots use speed hacks and certainly don't walk between nodes!
I was once asked if I was a bot. I was fishing, so obviously pretty suspect!
The accusers are obviously idiots, anyone with half a brain knows that bots use speed hacks and certainly don't walk between nodes!
I was once asked if I was a bot. I was fishing, so obviously pretty suspect!
You really are clueless. Most all harvester bots in craiglorn slow jog to each nod.
And yes there are fishing bots