khajiit "breed" in ESO

so I was looking in few sources to confirm this what is in ESO:
All player-character Khajiit in The Elder Scrolls Online will be Suthay-raht at launch.
and in other sources I have seen everywhere as in ESO it is "Suthay-raht" which ofc is very different that this which is in ESO
while khajiit in skyrim, oblivion and ESO are similiar I have not seen in any source as in ESO we have Cathay but we have "Suthay-raht":
The Suthay-raht are very similar in appearance and physiology to their cousins, the Suthay. Like the Suthay, the Suthay-raht have upright pointed ears, fur covering their entire bodies, and long tails. They are also significantly taller than the Suthay, though still shorter than some races of Men and Mer. Like the Suthay, the Suthay-raht are digitigrades.

so here is my flame on ZOS as how the hell they are finally doing with TES lore or request to anyone who have confirmed state about khajiit breed in ESO as I said everywhere where I was looking there was said ins ESO we have Suthay-raht whcih was in morrowind but in ESO are not even close to them but are more likely Cathay about which I havn't seen any sentence about them in ESO in different sources
  • Bruccius
    I recommend reading the source used. You can blame the person asking the question; as that person stated that in TES III, TES IV, and TES V, all Khajiit breeds are Suthay.

    Clearly, a flaw on the one asking the question. The answer that Matt provided was merely a petty error based on poor wording in the question of itself.
  • Pheefs
    I'm hoping we get the variations in the next stand alone Elder Scrolls!

    & I think they admitted once it was just too much trouble to make a digitigrade legs model for ESO.
    { Forums are Weird........................ Nerfy nerfing nerf nerfers, buff you b'netches!....................... Popcorn popcorn! }
  • Edziu
    so every khajiit in TES series since oblvion to ESO is badly done as every is Suthay

    and yea as that much troube it is to make them digitigrade model character for these khajiits then atlest in khajiit they should give us this different breed like cathay if I know good or just ohmes

    (not sayign anything argonians which we meet in morrowind as I havnt looked at them yet also)

    I hope it is just again devs fail with spelling right breed for their game
  • Claudman
    @Edziu Morrowind was the only game where Betmer were portrayed as both digitigrade and breastless, I still think the canocity behind digitigrade/breastless Khajiit is debatable now and that book could be summed up as unreliable narrator.

    Also those sources aren't realiable, TES IV and TES V- as @Bruccius are -Suthay-Raht are not Cathay. I wouldn't rely on the information in a wikia and would look at the sources directly (i.e. books or words from the Lore-Master) especially since wikia often include the headcanon of those who are writing the wiki page. Maybe we will see the subtypes if an Elsweyr DLC comes around, but I doubt the canocity of digitigrade Khajiit...
    Edited by Claudman on December 19, 2018 11:44PM
    Welcome, Moon-and-Star, to this place where destiny is made.

    I play healers or DPS often for vet dungeons and trials (NA, CP810+). I play mostly elves or Argonians.
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    I also love gaining more knowledge both metaphysical and mundane regarding TES lore.

    I also occasionally role-play, but I prefer playing the game.
  • Robo_Hobo
    Yeah, for some reason, the Khajiit from Oblivion onwards have always been considered Suthay-raht like in Morrowind, rather than a different breed despite the differing appearance. Never said in-game post-morrowind but through dev quotes.

    Most people (myself included) seem to just low-key headcanon them as Cathay instead, and just figuring that Cathay are plantigrade while Suthay are digitigrade, but it's never had any form of official acceptance or even acknowledgment, so we'll just have to see what happens when Elsweyr and more forms of Khajiit finally start appearing in ESO, and thus more official representations of the forms of Khajiit.

    If Suthay/Suthay-raht just end up being retconned as plantigrade, they'll be really similar to Cathays besides size, which is boring, but alas.
  • Claudman
    Robo_Hobo wrote: »
    Yeah, for some reason, the Khajiit from Oblivion onwards have always been considered Suthay-raht like in Morrowind, rather than a different breed despite the differing appearance. Never said in-game post-morrowind but through dev quotes.

    Most people (myself included) seem to just low-key headcanon them as Cathay instead, and just figuring that Cathay are plantigrade while Suthay are digitigrade, but it's never had any form of official acceptance or even acknowledgment, so we'll just have to see what happens when Elsweyr and more forms of Khajiit finally start appearing in ESO, and thus more official representations of the forms of Khajiit.

    If Suthay/Suthay-raht just end up being retconned as plantigrade, they'll be really similar to Cathays besides size, which is boring, but alas.

    I wouldn't say most people, I've noticed most people don't really care about the digitigrade stuff...But, then again most people also don't really care about the Khajiiti people as a whole.

    I personally think it's not really important, it's a small artistic design choice which can be easily retconned like how in Oblivion Khajiit looked like camels instead of felines. Other games do it all the time so I'm practically used to it (looking at you Halo). Not only do Lore Masters have to work with writers, but they have to work with artists as well and some artists don't seem to like the whole "digitigrade cat race" look it seems or probably just didn't like the Morrowind look of the race as a whole.

    This is most clear when it comes to the Elder Scrolls: Legends cards which can't seem to decide whether Khajiit are plantigrade or digitigrade, it's all dependent on the artist's depiction of the race. People only truly seemed bothered by an artist's depiction when it came to the four-legged Dragon fiasco or the Red Brahman fiasco (even though Red Brahman was never confirmed to be a race of man and Imperials didn't know what an Argonian was during the time of his uprising).
    Welcome, Moon-and-Star, to this place where destiny is made.

    I play healers or DPS often for vet dungeons and trials (NA, CP810+). I play mostly elves or Argonians.
    I primarily play Damage-Based stuff in PvP, but occasionally I'll play something tanky or got the heals.
    I also love gaining more knowledge both metaphysical and mundane regarding TES lore.

    I also occasionally role-play, but I prefer playing the game.
  • Robo_Hobo
    Claudman wrote: »
    Robo_Hobo wrote: »
    Yeah, for some reason, the Khajiit from Oblivion onwards have always been considered Suthay-raht like in Morrowind, rather than a different breed despite the differing appearance. Never said in-game post-morrowind but through dev quotes.

    Most people (myself included) seem to just low-key headcanon them as Cathay instead, and just figuring that Cathay are plantigrade while Suthay are digitigrade, but it's never had any form of official acceptance or even acknowledgment, so we'll just have to see what happens when Elsweyr and more forms of Khajiit finally start appearing in ESO, and thus more official representations of the forms of Khajiit.

    If Suthay/Suthay-raht just end up being retconned as plantigrade, they'll be really similar to Cathays besides size, which is boring, but alas.

    I wouldn't say most people, I've noticed most people don't really care about the digitigrade stuff...But, then again most people also don't really care about the Khajiiti people as a whole.

    I personally think it's not really important, it's a small artistic design choice which can be easily retconned like how in Oblivion Khajiit looked like camels instead of felines. Other games do it all the time so I'm practically used to it (looking at you Halo). Not only do Lore Masters have to work with writers, but they have to work with artists as well and some artists don't seem to like the whole "digitigrade cat race" look it seems or probably just didn't like the Morrowind look of the race as a whole.

    This is most clear when it comes to the Elder Scrolls: Legends cards which can't seem to decide whether Khajiit are plantigrade or digitigrade, it's all dependent on the artist's depiction of the race. People only truly seemed bothered by an artist's depiction when it came to the four-legged Dragon fiasco or the Red Brahman fiasco (even though Red Brahman was never confirmed to be a race of man and Imperials didn't know what an Argonian was during the time of his uprising).

    To add on to the Legends thing, they also have the Pahmar-raht card depicting a bipedal Khajiit rather than the quadruped that was indicated in the interview with Three Booksellers, so it's really up in the air what will happen with the Khajiit forms as a whole when the time comes.
  • Claudman
    Robo_Hobo wrote: »
    Claudman wrote: »
    Robo_Hobo wrote: »
    Yeah, for some reason, the Khajiit from Oblivion onwards have always been considered Suthay-raht like in Morrowind, rather than a different breed despite the differing appearance. Never said in-game post-morrowind but through dev quotes.

    Most people (myself included) seem to just low-key headcanon them as Cathay instead, and just figuring that Cathay are plantigrade while Suthay are digitigrade, but it's never had any form of official acceptance or even acknowledgment, so we'll just have to see what happens when Elsweyr and more forms of Khajiit finally start appearing in ESO, and thus more official representations of the forms of Khajiit.

    If Suthay/Suthay-raht just end up being retconned as plantigrade, they'll be really similar to Cathays besides size, which is boring, but alas.

    I wouldn't say most people, I've noticed most people don't really care about the digitigrade stuff...But, then again most people also don't really care about the Khajiiti people as a whole.

    I personally think it's not really important, it's a small artistic design choice which can be easily retconned like how in Oblivion Khajiit looked like camels instead of felines. Other games do it all the time so I'm practically used to it (looking at you Halo). Not only do Lore Masters have to work with writers, but they have to work with artists as well and some artists don't seem to like the whole "digitigrade cat race" look it seems or probably just didn't like the Morrowind look of the race as a whole.

    This is most clear when it comes to the Elder Scrolls: Legends cards which can't seem to decide whether Khajiit are plantigrade or digitigrade, it's all dependent on the artist's depiction of the race. People only truly seemed bothered by an artist's depiction when it came to the four-legged Dragon fiasco or the Red Brahman fiasco (even though Red Brahman was never confirmed to be a race of man and Imperials didn't know what an Argonian was during the time of his uprising).

    To add on to the Legends thing, they also have the Pahmar-raht card depicting a bipedal Khajiit rather than the quadruped that was indicated in the interview with Three Booksellers, so it's really up in the air what will happen with the Khajiit forms as a whole when the time comes.

    Right, that also had me a bit confused when I saw the card.
    Welcome, Moon-and-Star, to this place where destiny is made.

    I play healers or DPS often for vet dungeons and trials (NA, CP810+). I play mostly elves or Argonians.
    I primarily play Damage-Based stuff in PvP, but occasionally I'll play something tanky or got the heals.
    I also love gaining more knowledge both metaphysical and mundane regarding TES lore.

    I also occasionally role-play, but I prefer playing the game.
  • Kajuratus
    Robo_Hobo wrote: »

    To add on to the Legends thing, they also have the Pahmar-raht card depicting a bipedal Khajiit rather than the quadruped that was indicated in the interview with Three Booksellers, so it's really up in the air what will happen with the Khajiit forms as a whole when the time comes.

    I consider the Legends cards to be illustrated by Imperial artists who have never been to Elsweyr. All they've heard of are tales of Pahmar being "similar in appearance to a tiger" and the Pahmar-Raht to be "similar to the Pahmar, but larger and of a fiercer disposition." Problem is, they've never seen the four legged Khajiit breeds, so they assume that when the word "tiger" is used, it must mean their fur pattern. The concept of the Khajiit having vastly different forms depending on the phases of the moons is completely alien to this artist, especially the possibility of something like a tiger giving birth to someone who will grow to be human size. Similar to the Cathay-Raht, they hear of "Jaguar men" and assume it must mean their fur pattern, rather than being a lot larger than a "normal" Khajiit.
    So the Dark Elves have weird alien architecture, where people live in mushroom towers and the shell of a giant crab, but the High Elves, the pinnacle of technology, the most magically advanced race in Tamriel, are still stuck in slightly pretty, fairly tall stone buildings? Not even a hint of a glass city? Are stainless glass windows really enough to claim that a city is made of glass?
  • Claudman
    Kajuratus wrote: »
    Robo_Hobo wrote: »

    To add on to the Legends thing, they also have the Pahmar-raht card depicting a bipedal Khajiit rather than the quadruped that was indicated in the interview with Three Booksellers, so it's really up in the air what will happen with the Khajiit forms as a whole when the time comes.

    I consider the Legends cards to be illustrated by Imperial artists who have never been to Elsweyr. All they've heard of are tales of Pahmar being "similar in appearance to a tiger" and the Pahmar-Raht to be "similar to the Pahmar, but larger and of a fiercer disposition." Problem is, they've never seen the four legged Khajiit breeds, so they assume that when the word "tiger" is used, it must mean their fur pattern. The concept of the Khajiit having vastly different forms depending on the phases of the moons is completely alien to this artist, especially the possibility of something like a tiger giving birth to someone who will grow to be human size. Similar to the Cathay-Raht, they hear of "Jaguar men" and assume it must mean their fur pattern, rather than being a lot larger than a "normal" Khajiit.

    I would say that if it was a painting that was in-universe, but the art in Legends isn't deemed as in-universe since it wasn't supposed to be drawn by a character in the universe of TES, it was drawn by the artists of Nuare Studios...Unless Nuare Studios is suddenly a canon location/studio in the world of TES, I wouldn't deem the art of TES: Legends as "in-universe" Imperial artists who have never been to Elsweyr and would instead consider it as an out-of-universe artist's interpretation of what they think would be that Khajiiti breed.
    Welcome, Moon-and-Star, to this place where destiny is made.

    I play healers or DPS often for vet dungeons and trials (NA, CP810+). I play mostly elves or Argonians.
    I primarily play Damage-Based stuff in PvP, but occasionally I'll play something tanky or got the heals.
    I also love gaining more knowledge both metaphysical and mundane regarding TES lore.

    I also occasionally role-play, but I prefer playing the game.
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