The other day I was doing some overland quests in a dlc area and I was taking my time trying to get into the plot of the quest. What I realised eventually though was that I could not get immersed into the story because of one thing. How easy the npcs were dying and how little threat they posed to me. I had to pull multiple groups of npcs just to get the slightest feeling of challenge. But I said to myself "Ok, those are nameless grunts so they are supposed to be killed that way". But then we came to the final boss of the quest
(It was the first major quest of the Wrothgar questline, the one where you assist King Kurog and the Alchemist through the old Breton fortress which is under siege. The final boss was the leader of the winterborns Urfon Ice-Heart
. I should mention here that the quest itself is vely good and the anticipation of the final battle is very nicely built. But my anticipation led to nothing but the sound of a Betty Netch when I killed the boss in 4 seconds... It was so so so so anticlimactic and I was very dissapointed. I didn't even wear pve gear, it was all impenetrable pvp gear and my cp were set for pvp as well.
So in conclusion, I realised that eso has reached to a point where the main character, you, has become larger than the world and that is not necessarily a good thing. There is no danger, no challenge, no feeling of adventure. Well there is but they deflate so fast that they leave you with a sense of disappointment.
So, my question is whether or not you feel the lack of challenge and climax in the overland content, which leads to the absennce of the feeling of adventure and the breaking of immersion, and why? Thank you for taking time to state your opinion!
Do you feel that there is a lack of challenge and climax in the overland content (enemies, combat)? 20 votes

2 votes