ZOS what have you done

This game had good gameplay and solid graphics now its all gone, its all about buy that box, going Fallout 76 steps. Game still has beta bugs lag and fps issues and its been almost 5 years lol do you even have any oldschool players or everything is in coin grab...
  • wolf486
    Game play and graphics are good for me. After removing a couple of add-ons I get solid 50-60 fps and no lag at all anymore. Unless you are talking strictly about Cyro? Then yeah it can get pretty bad.
    Moved onto BDO and GW2 Skyrim, ATS/ETS2, ACNH and the overall goodness of single player games

    RIP to the following:
    (DC) Tharbûrz gro-Glumgrog - Orsimer -Stamden (lvl 50)
    (AD) Vukz - Bosmer - Stamblade (lvl 50)
  • disintegr8
    I'm on console.... enough said.
    Australian on PS4 NA server.
    Everyone's entitled to an opinion.
  • Bhaal5
    Zos has done nothing....
    Business model of "do little as possible and charge as much as possible".

    There have been times where they have mentioned that they will NOT be planning to fix "past problems".
    So my question is
    Why reward them with your money? Why sub? Why buy crowns? Why gamble with crates?
  • Androconium
    Bhaal5 wrote: »
    Zos has done nothing....
    Business model of "do little as possible and charge as much as possible".

    There have been times where they have mentioned that they will NOT be planning to fix "past problems".
    So my question is
    Why reward them with your money? Why sub? Why buy crowns? Why gamble with crates?

    You touch it with a needle.
  • Kiralyn2000
    I mean, the graphics are the same, so I'm not sure how that's "all gone".

    The gameplay is basically the same in structure, it's just class and skill balance that's shifted (as has happened in every MMO I've played for any real time).

    It's also interesting how the game "had" good graphics and gameplay in the past.... but there were all these bugs that have existed since the past that they're not fixing. Inconsistency, much?

    tl;dr - the OP's complaints make little sense.
  • Latios
    Good gameplay? If you are complaining about beta bugs, why do you ignore the laughable gameplay we had at launch?

    The game is far from perfect, but it has certainly evolved gameplay and combat-wise. Come on. Compare dumb mechanics in sanctum ophidia to halls of fabrication or Maw of Lorkhaj.

    The only place in this game that has really been going downhill is PvP and, if you look between the lines, DLC quality(except for dungeons, which are more challenging and have interesting mechanics). As for the rest, it’s been improved. Vastly.
    The Eon Pokémon.
  • russelmmendoza

    Because its the one I played this long.
    3 years and counting.
    Nuff said.
  • Tasear
    Bhaal5 wrote: »
    Zos has done nothing....
    Business model of "do little as possible and charge as much as possible".

    There have been times where they have mentioned that they will NOT be planning to fix "past problems".
    So my question is
    Why reward them with your money? Why sub? Why buy crowns? Why gamble with crates?

  • Wifeaggro13
    Malmai wrote: »
    This game had good gameplay and solid graphics now its all gone, its all about buy that box, going Fallout 76 steps. Game still has beta bugs lag and fps issues and its been almost 5 years lol do you even have any oldschool players or everything is in coin grab...
    2016 was the big turning point. When it was evident they threw in the towel and were going for the churn population to spend money in the crown store. Screw trying to build a long term community and bilk the churn
  • Bhaal5
    Tasear wrote: »
    Bhaal5 wrote: »
    Zos has done nothing....
    Business model of "do little as possible and charge as much as possible".

    There have been times where they have mentioned that they will NOT be planning to fix "past problems".
    So my question is
    Why reward them with your money? Why sub? Why buy crowns? Why gamble with crates?


    Gina mentioned it in crowns discord server around twelve months ago.....get a invite and find it if you want. Until then, enjoy the 'random' disconnects and fps issues for your hard earned money :)
  • karekiz
    People have rose tinted glasses.

    This released as a sub only game and got BLASTED as utterly terrible and bugged filled.
  • Genomic
    Bhaal5 wrote: »
    Zos has done nothing....
    Business model of "do little as possible and charge as much as possible".

    There have been times where they have mentioned that they will NOT be planning to fix "past problems".
    So my question is
    Why reward them with your money? Why sub? Why buy crowns? Why gamble with crates?

    Eh, if people keep paying them, they'll keep on doing this. What's their incentive to stop?
  • Bhaal5
    Genomic wrote: »
    Bhaal5 wrote: »
    Zos has done nothing....
    Business model of "do little as possible and charge as much as possible".

    There have been times where they have mentioned that they will NOT be planning to fix "past problems".
    So my question is
    Why reward them with your money? Why sub? Why buy crowns? Why gamble with crates?

    Eh, if people keep paying them, they'll keep on doing this. What's their incentive to stop?

    That is the problem, 100%. The people paying for those mention are the ones at the heart of the problem. People need to vote with their wallets if they want change.
  • Diminish

    Because its the only one I played.
    3 years and counting.
    Nuff said.

  • Diminish
    karekiz wrote: »
    People have rose tinted glasses.

    This released as a sub only game and got BLASTED as utterly terrible and bugged filled.

    And now it is not a sub only game, sells $150 virtual homes like cheeseburgers at a McDonald's, is ran by the marketing team to squeeze every last penny out of people, and it is still "utterly terrible and bugged filled". Guess what, it still gets "BLASTED" to this day; people are pissed, and rightfully so.
  • AzraelKrieg
    I mean, the graphics are the same, so I'm not sure how that's "all gone".

    The gameplay is basically the same in structure, it's just class and skill balance that's shifted (as has happened in every MMO I've played for any real time).

    It's also interesting how the game "had" good graphics and gameplay in the past.... but there were all these bugs that have existed since the past that they're not fixing. Inconsistency, much?

    tl;dr - the OP's complaints make little sense.

    They quite often make little sense. They have been complaining about the game since launch so I wonder why they even still hang around. It seems like they aren't having fun
    Gold Dragons Guildmaster PC-NACR2000+
    Kalthar Wolf-Brother – EP Templar - 50 Maeli Valen - EP NB - 50Naps-During-Trials – EP Templar - 50Rulnakh - EP Sorc - 50Azrael Krieg - EP NB – 50Uvithasa Telvanni – EP DK – 50More-Tail - EP Warden - 50Narile Galen - EP Sorc - 50Bone Soldier - EP Necro - 50Naps-During-Trails - EP Necro - 50
  • qbit
    Apparently cosmetics are the end game and I’m too daft to notice when another player has a “radiant apex” horse and I wonder how long such a horse remains worth it to the buyer of the crates to see on their screen. 🤷‍♂️ This is something to lose sleep over for some players.
  • Hallothiel
    If you don’t like the game, don’t bloody play it.
    And if you are not playing it, why are you on the forums complaining?
  • daemonios
    Hallothiel wrote: »
    If you don’t like the game, don’t bloody play it.
    And if you are not playing it, why are you on the forums complaining?

    This attitude I just don't understand. So someone can't have legitimate complaints and still play a game? I know I have tons of complaints about ESO. I play because it still entertains me, and only as long as it does (I've already taken a 2-year break from it). People complain because they want things to change. If they don't, they'll either put up with it or leave. But complaining is not the issue here.
  • Turelus
    Not going to make excuses for the bugs and Crown Store issues, but...

    This game at least delivers new quality (YMMV) content every few months to enjoy. That's something Fallout 76 is lacking ATM once you get past the initial world exploration (which I am still enjoying at least).
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Hallothiel
    Guess I’m just tired of people whinging without being constructive. I have no issue with justified complaints that are explained clearly & explicit. Otherwise helps nothing & is just someone sounding off.

    And yes, there are faults & flaws in this game. Totally agree - I play pvp for god’s sake - but this post just annoyed me. Maybe it’s the pre-Christmas blues. Feel free to ignore!
  • RodneyRegis
    I just don't get these complaints. The game is great, if you don't like a certain aspect then just ignore them. I get free homes, I don't bother buying them or furnishing, I just can't be bothered. I won't go for the indrik, it's a dull grind. Battlegrounds are a great addition, can't be bothered with PvP. I log in, do some writs, do some battlegrounds and a couple of vet trials. That's what I enjoy. Sometimes I'll do a dungeon if I need some gear. I'm building up a war chest so I can start trading properly. I ignore probably 80% of the game, but there is plenty to keep me coming back in the other 20%.
  • MartiniDaniels
    Well, that is completely biased opinion. You may say that ZOS is bad with fixing bugs, with server architecture etc, that ZOS is greedy - yeah that's all truth. But content and art is amazing and becomes better with each dlc etc, and i really not a fan of high elves and argonians, but summerset and murkmire are great, especially for MMO. DLC dungeons is imo best part of the game from all points.. so content guys are working properly, it's not fair to say that ALL ZOS is broken.
  • Callous2208
    I just wished we got real content updates. Yes it's great they are sticking to a release schedule but how bout quality over quantity. The past few years have been lackluster and predictable. We're essentially now waiting to see which new, small, barely exploreable zone we're gonna grind two dailies in whilst waiting for crown store updates.
  • twev
    Hallothiel wrote: »
    Guess I’m just tired of people whinging without being constructive. I have no issue with justified complaints that are explained clearly & explicit. Otherwise helps nothing & is just someone sounding off.

    And yes, there are faults & flaws in this game. Totally agree - I play pvp for god’s sake - but this post just annoyed me. Maybe it’s the pre-Christmas blues. Feel free to ignore!

    It's not our job, or even within our capabilities to be 'constructive'.
    1. Our suggestions carry little or no weight with the suits who make the decisions controlling where dev money is allocated.
    2. Posting bug reports about broken stuff found on the Public Test Server falls on deaf ears more often than not.
    3. Posting bug reports about in-game broken stuff that was ignored as bug reports on the Public Test server is ignored.
    4. And posting pleas to have something done about bot-farmers and gold sellers is ignored.

    The only things we CAN do as subscriber-players besides posting our displeasure on the forums is decide how much bad mechanics, broken code, and lag we're willing to put up with before we stop paying for the game.
    [edited to add: Or stop playing the game entirely.]

    Is there something you think will improve our input/results ratio into the game between paying for it, playing for free, or not playing the game at all that hasn't been tried during the last almost 5 years of general player participation in the game and forum?

    My personal opinion is that my sending them subscription money every month since the game was released to pay for this game is already covering my obligations to post flattery on the boards on a regular basis.

    I wish ALL my fellow game playing brothers and sisters, as well as site-staff and devs a most joyous festivus.


    Edited by twev on December 19, 2018 1:00PM
    The problem with society these days is that no one drinks from the skulls of their enemies anymore.
  • Malmai
    I mean, the graphics are the same, so I'm not sure how that's "all gone".

    The gameplay is basically the same in structure, it's just class and skill balance that's shifted (as has happened in every MMO I've played for any real time).

    It's also interesting how the game "had" good graphics and gameplay in the past.... but there were all these bugs that have existed since the past that they're not fixing. Inconsistency, much?

    tl;dr - the OP's complaints make little sense.

    Maybe because you play everday but i logged in after 1 year and its disaster half of stuff is missing graphics are washed out all just for increase in performance but thats bad too... Even with all this downgrades... Now go and buy sub and that boxes...
  • Betty_Booms
    I get about 80 fps. Im in Australia. Graphics are fantastic. My concerns are lag and DCs.

    I also came back some time ago after a couple of years and it has improved quite a bit.
  • Tandor
    Malmai wrote: »
    I mean, the graphics are the same, so I'm not sure how that's "all gone".

    The gameplay is basically the same in structure, it's just class and skill balance that's shifted (as has happened in every MMO I've played for any real time).

    It's also interesting how the game "had" good graphics and gameplay in the past.... but there were all these bugs that have existed since the past that they're not fixing. Inconsistency, much?

    tl;dr - the OP's complaints make little sense.

    Maybe because you play everday but i logged in after 1 year and its disaster half of stuff is missing graphics are washed out all just for increase in performance but thats bad too... Even with all this downgrades... Now go and buy sub and that boxes...

    Care to give some examples of what you mean by "half of stuff is missing", and provide some specs and settings plus exactly what you're referring to with "graphics are washed out"?
  • MilwaukeeScott
    I'm on ps4na

    The game has improved by leaps and bounds since June of 2015! Good job Zos/Zeni/Bethesda! Keep striving!!

    We didn't even have text chat back then!

    All I see is hate and rage from people who don't understand how to.....
  • Jaraal
    Malmai wrote: »
    This game had good gameplay and solid graphics now its all gone, its all about buy that box, going Fallout 76 steps. Game still has beta bugs lag and fps issues and its been almost 5 years lol do you even have any oldschool players or everything is in coin grab...
    2016 was the big turning point. When it was evident they threw in the towel and were going for the churn population to spend money in the crown store. Screw trying to build a long term community and bilk the churn

    Turning point to me was when they started shoving full page ads in our face before we can even see where we are at log in. That's the day they truly earned the reputation for shifting the focus from gameplay to greed.
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