Y'know...maybe its just my horrible mood from today but this Racial superiority/oppression character you portray has stopped being an upsetting surprise and is now just an annoying expectation.
TheShadowScout wrote: »(Disclaimer - Its a joke, darnit!)
"Croc" passive - gain extra physical resistance through scaly skin.
"Lacoste" passive - they drop leather when killed in PvP.
"Ancestors" passive - your ancestors are watching over you, like, all the time. In combat that is helpful, as they can whisper you a warning when you are about to be sneak attacked and prevent successful backstabs, though in some other times its downright embarrassing...
"Tribunal" passive - you have to spend a great deal of time and effort to (pretend to) please your living gods, ten percent of your earnings get donated to the temple (Or taken as "tariffs" if RPing as ashlander)
"Meadhead" passive - when an alcoholic drink buff is active, your spell resistances are raised because you are just too drunk to care about those fireballs
"IKEA" passive - when setting up siedge engines, halfway through the process you will need the part "oglsgard" for which you will have to do an extra quest...
"Trueblood" passive - you will get better deals and rewards from other altmer NPCs.
"Sidhe" passive - you can no longer use any [Lie] dialouge options
"Meat Mandate" passive - sentienr enemies also drop meat when killed.
"Green Pact" passive - cannot use any food made with plant ingredients, nor pick them for alchemy.
"Catfall" passive - take half fall damage. And always land on your feet
"Red Dot" passive - every so often you will encounter a red wisp, which will cause your character to loose control and chase it with no regard to aggroing emeniey or running into walls.
"Priviledge" passive - you will get off on probation for minor crimes, and recieve more rewards from breton NPCs
"Klan" passive - you will forever feel inadequate in certain fiends, and thus have your abilities reduced as soon as members of another race to compare against are in the same group - unless you wear a white pointy hood to intimidate them.
"Red unz go fasta" passive - gain extra movement speed if dyeing your armor red.
"Arena" passive - you get randomly attacked by nuisiance adventurer groups thinking you will give them expees
"Blunt" passive - you get a extra selection of buffs from smoking alchemy ingredients
"Profiling" passive - justice guards will attack even for minor infractions in breton cities because of your reputation for always being too quick to draw your curved sword when on alchemy ingredients...
"Connected" passive - you can use your "family connections" to extort gold from vendors, much like those "crime pays" travelling merchants random encounters.
"Mafia" passive - every time you visit your bank, there is a chance your cousin vinnie had to "borrow" a portion of your banked gold to pay off the don.
High Elf.
Flower Child will be the passive name. They would shower everyone with beautiful flower petals as a greeting. Since High Elfs are very sensitive to tradition and culture they will pelt shower Bosmer with bone fragments in stead so to not interfere with the Green Pact.