I really really need help with learning how to obtain success in PVP. It took me a LOOOOOONG time just to unlock Caltrops which finally happened today (havent gotten to Razor Caltrops yet).
I have yet to complete any vet dungeons so I have ZERO monster sets. Think I only accidentally completed two low level dungeons because I have the Llambris twin trophy and the alligator faced one in my trophy collection. I do have a few monster shoulders but no complete sets. Also, I have an alt who is maxed on all crafting and trait research on all items (except for jewelry) , so any level pots, food, enchants, traits, etc. that you suggest can be added to improve this build.
Also, with the current bar setup, I was only able to get max 9900 dps on target dummy (no food/pots were used). How the heck do some people get 2x to 3x as much dps?
Please help. What would you recommend to improve the PVP build from slightly below terrible to competent? Thanks.