Delsanab14_ESO wrote: »I just played it and did the quests, then I saw some zone comments about their ideas and contrasted them with my ideas.
I also decided to completely be reviled by weaving and avoid it as much as I can to prove that it's horrible excuse of lazy design and I won't fall into the trap of animation cancels or mastering weaving. I manage to do 25-30k dps when I try and I am fine with that. Maybe I'll try some new skills and see what else I can do above that.
I have played a lot of games, so the mechanics, buttons that do things, and idea of self-learning and exploration isn't a hard thing for me to deal with.
I'm often surprised when people do not know what things do, but of course I never judge them harshly or think ill of them for it.
Edit: I don't like the idea of mimicking what others are doing and so I do not use videos or guides or such if I can avoid it.
A mistake lot of new players is they rush it... If it is your first character take your time.
I say progress at your own pace to at least CP 160 before grinding...
That being said I tend to hate to aks uneducated questions, unless totally stumped so I learned on my own for a bit and then joined a newbie friendly guild. Maybe I got lucky but there were some ppl in that guild who were extremely helpful.
In general my approach to games is... try and figure it out myself, do some research and then ask questions.
This was a few months after launch, so I would say there was a lot less content in terms of websites and videos out or maybe I wasn't looking. I wasn't aware of the gamer content creation community as much as I am now.
I also find there is always people willing to help new people, I am in a new ppl friendly guild and I make sure to try and pass on some of knowledge I have picked up.
For totally new ppl there is now much resources, such as my friend's @Dottzgaming who has a complete beginner guide (It is lengthy but it is also time stamped in the description so you can jump to what you need to know.)