TheShadowScout wrote: »I would like to see alliance change... If Done RIGHT!
And by that I mean, it ought to be more then just a... "poof, you are somehow magically member of a new alliance" token!
I mean, it ought to be an epic storyline, some DLC (see ZOS, you -can- make profit from this idea!) with an "cloak and dagger" (Well, maybe "hood and dagger" for ESO) theme, and a "faction loyalty called in question" storyline, where at some point in the story you get to make a -big- choice for your character - stay loyal and find out who framed you, or defect to a different alliance!
With the rest of the DLC going different ways depending on what you choose - either you hunt after the true culprit, dodge agents sent to bring you in for treason, find the evidence you need to restore your good name and emerge victorious... or... you dodge the agents sent to bring you in for treason while making contact with one of the other alliances, preparing your escape and grabbing some juicy secrets on your way out...
Such a story could take a character all over their original alliance, and other places as well, possibly centering on some neutral city-state or something where spies from all factions meet to spy hard (think like cold war era vienna...); reusing old maps from bygone questings with new mobs, and giving out nifty titles depending on your characters fate... like "[original faction] Loyalist" or "[original faction] Defector"...
It would even be an opportunity to introduce new "post-graduate" alliance options, like being able to join new factions that are not available as questline... become a "mercenary" that is neutral to any alliance in cyrodil (yellow, non-hostile but attackable) but invited by none (cannot use any faction doors, spawns in a off the way but undefended location), or an faction hostile to all three (imperial remnant, perhaps? With all the imperial NPCs going non-hostile while spawning at a random imperial NPC camp?)
Naturally it would make very much sense to make completion of cadwells a prerequesite for this, to avoid any mainstory entanglements brought on by an alliance change... (not like characters who have not yet done a lot of questing need this, since those can just be delered and rerolled in another faction anyhow) Although I suppose it would not be that big of an issue ever since one tamriel...
And there could be more! Whenever the topic comes up some people worry about PvP impact, in an "Oh, everyone will want to join the winning side" kind of way... (not that people do something like that anyhow by picking their campaigns... tho since it has not -that- much impact there, well...) but that could be balanced by making defection have consequences in the alliance war. Like...
...maybe earning only half AP for six months as your new allies only slowly start to trust the "defector"
...or perhaps even earning no new AP until you re-earned your old PvP rank?
...and there definitely ought to be increased rewards for people from your original faction if they take you down on the battlefield, because...
Because race change is cosmetic, while alliance change requires resetting quests
TheShadowScout wrote: »As I said the last time this came up...TheShadowScout wrote: »I would like to see alliance change... If Done RIGHT!
And by that I mean, it ought to be more then just a... "poof, you are somehow magically member of a new alliance" token!
I mean, it ought to be an epic storyline, some DLC (see ZOS, you -can- make profit from this idea!) with an "cloak and dagger" (Well, maybe "hood and dagger" for ESO) theme, and a "faction loyalty called in question" storyline, where at some point in the story you get to make a -big- choice for your character - stay loyal and find out who framed you, or defect to a different alliance!
With the rest of the DLC going different ways depending on what you choose - either you hunt after the true culprit, dodge agents sent to bring you in for treason, find the evidence you need to restore your good name and emerge victorious... or... you dodge the agents sent to bring you in for treason while making contact with one of the other alliances, preparing your escape and grabbing some juicy secrets on your way out...
Such a story could take a character all over their original alliance, and other places as well, possibly centering on some neutral city-state or something where spies from all factions meet to spy hard (think like cold war era vienna...); reusing old maps from bygone questings with new mobs, and giving out nifty titles depending on your characters fate... like "[original faction] Loyalist" or "[original faction] Defector"...
It would even be an opportunity to introduce new "post-graduate" alliance options, like being able to join new factions that are not available as questline... become a "mercenary" that is neutral to any alliance in cyrodil (yellow, non-hostile but attackable) but invited by none (cannot use any faction doors, spawns in a off the way but undefended location), or an faction hostile to all three (imperial remnant, perhaps? With all the imperial NPCs going non-hostile while spawning at a random imperial NPC camp?)
Naturally it would make very much sense to make completion of cadwells a prerequesite for this, to avoid any mainstory entanglements brought on by an alliance change... (not like characters who have not yet done a lot of questing need this, since those can just be delered and rerolled in another faction anyhow) Although I suppose it would not be that big of an issue ever since one tamriel...
And there could be more! Whenever the topic comes up some people worry about PvP impact, in an "Oh, everyone will want to join the winning side" kind of way... (not that people do something like that anyhow by picking their campaigns... tho since it has not -that- much impact there, well...) but that could be balanced by making defection have consequences in the alliance war. Like...
...maybe earning only half AP for six months as your new allies only slowly start to trust the "defector"
...or perhaps even earning no new AP until you re-earned your old PvP rank?
...and there definitely ought to be increased rewards for people from your original faction if they take you down on the battlefield, because...
Why isn’t this a thing, and will it in the future?
Because race change is cosmetic, while alliance change requires resetting quests
The only quests I can think of that are to be reset are the main story quest such as harborage. That only applies to the location due to the fact that the harborage is based off your home alliance starter town. Other than that I cannot see anything else. I’m pretty sure zos can aquire enough collective brain cells to simply move that or if anything just leave everything as it is if it gets too complicated.
VaranisArano wrote: »I wish it did. I have an AD and a DC character I made before One Tamriel that I'd love to make EP to match all my other characters.
Blood for the Pact!
Sylvermynx wrote: »Eh, no interest here. I don't care what my girls are.... They all just do whatever, play whatever. The only real thing would be for pvp, and there is NO WAY IN HELL I'm ever going there.
Thankfully, with 1Tam, I don't have to worry about it.