Not looking for help per se, just not sure where else to put this. Just a heads up for those running Intel platforms.
Recently did a reinstall of Windows 10 to get rid of the constant-update funk that usually seems to settle in and cause various bugs and performance issues. Thank you, based Microsoft. I did a 100% clean install, all latest drivers, everything clean and neat.
Anyway, I also took the time to update to the latest bios on my motherboard and restore all bios settings from before. I use an Asrock X299 Taichi XE. I've had no problems with it prior to this. I upgraded from the 1.50 bios to the latest 1.60 release.
Windows felt maybe a tad more sluggish. Barely something anyone other than the extremely picky (me) would notice. Other games seemed fine, although I mostly tested titles that weren't constrained to few cores. The real problem was ESO. I also took the time to install and configure all of my addons from a blank slate, rather than using the copied and pasted backups I've been recycling for four years. I figured this was a good choice to clean up any old files and potential issues.
ESO was usually showing framerates similar to what I saw before the reinstall, but it just didn't feel as smooth. Combat and cities in particular tanked performance and it felt significantly less smooth than before. Stutter was introduced. FPS was mostly-okay, but 1% frametimes were in the dumpster. I tried countless ini tweaks, addon tweaks, addon removals, driver reinstalls, etc. Nothing fixed it. I even tried swapping back in my old ESO documents folder, old addons and config files in all. I suffered roughly a 10 fps hit with the old settings. Success on the addon reinstall part of the project, at least.
What makes this so frustrating is my system is about as good as it gets for ESO. I'm running a 7820x at 5 GHz and a 1080 Ti. In the past, I used to play on an Ivy Bridge (or so) i3 system. Performance felt better on that system than it did on this one after the update.
Anyway, I finally decided to read into the bios update. The 1.60 bios included CPU microcode updates, presumably to combat the recent Intel security goofs. I rolled back to 1.50, got my overclocks configured again, and fired up ESO. Problem solved. Roughly a 50% performance improvement over the 1.60 bios. Instead of wildly-fluctuating FPS, dipping to sub-60 in cities, I'm averaging 100 in Mournhold and holding much more steady numbers in the roougher parts of town. The relative fluidity (this is ESO) has returned.
Basically, watch what happens if you ever update your bios. It may be possible you'll experience similar problems. Hope this helps someone.
EP: Slania Isara : Harambe Was an Inside Job