For this Christmas the Guild of Adventure would like to invite eight people to do nMoL with us. The idea is to give eight people who have been playing the game, but who've never done trials, the opportunity to do a trial with no pressure on them. We'll be able and willing to carry the group. The idea isn't to take people there who're new to the game and who are now looking to get into trials, but people who have been playing but are uncertain of themselves, afraid that people will laugh at them, afraid that they're not good enough, and who's (almost) never had the opportunity to do trials.
So if you're CP300+ (to avoid the new players who's looking to get into trials), and
* have (almost) never done trials,
* are willing to join on Discord
* are willing to spend a few hours (2-3, depending on the group)
* and are willing to be patient with other group members who may be struggling,
send me a PM, or post here, or just let me know. The first eight gets the spots. No obligation - you don't have to join the guild or anything.
The plan is to do it on the 27th of December, 18h00 GM+0. We’re on PC EU.
Not elite, not the best. Just enjoying ESO.
Not the worst either. "Casual" != "totally ignorant"