So, some of us hit a thread , some of us felt needed to have new life breathed into it and unfortunately one of the forum mods made the mistake of shutting it down. Especially with all the new players that have been coming around as of late. Just because the thread was old, even if 4 years old, there are still a lot of players that have no idea what these glow orbs are that hover and circle over some players. Even me, after a while I forgot all about them because it's been a long time since I've seem someone running it, then all of a sudden and especially recently I have noticed a lot more people running with these types of sets with it's visual effect. Very rare will you find someone running 2 of the sets, for an AWESOME cool visual perk.
So, Special armor and it's mysterious glowing orbs. There seems to be at least 3 sets that I know of that each set have special perks and also come with a visual effect, 3 glowing orbs hovering over the character.
(Worms) A blue orb represents that the player is wearing a set of armor that helps reduce magicka cost for the entire group.
(Sanctuary ) A green orb represents that the player is wearing a set of armor that helps reduce stamina cost for the entire group.
**^^** Correction: (5 items) Increases your healing received by 12% for you and your group within 10 meters.**^^**
(Ebon) A red orb represents that the player is wearing a set of armor that helps increase the entire groups health.
As for me, I particularly like the Ebon set, it gives a lot of health and also the firth perk also give some extra health to other players, good for dungeons and trials. I also like using it particular on a healer build, because it seems to make a lot of noobs uneasy and tank spank snobs very toxic and salty as they think that the Ebon set is a tank only build. When it's not. I think and personally it works well with healers, well because as a healer, you're not just healing people, but also giving them extra health at the same time.
That said, I strongly focus on that statement because weather or not you realize it there are other people out there other than alcast and woeler. Sure these are two great young men helping us over the years with their dedication to builds that will help novice players to the veteran players, however their word is not set in stone. So thus, if you think Ebon is a tank only set, then sorry you've been left behind on the ignore band wagon long ago.
Sanctuary armor sets I really like especially if you have a lot of stam builds. Stam blade in particular seem to like the added boost especially if running medium armor and getting the stam perk from skill lines.
Worm's Raiment. Well, who doesn't love a small advantage especially if your a great crushing dps mag sorc or yea even magplar? Well I know I would if running with my Mag Sorc in a good vet trial burning down the impossible or helping others survive a little more using my own pets to heal people.
Hircine's veneer, which drops in Selene's Web, also has green orbs and reduces stamina costs across the group, similar to Worms.
Oh before I continue, let me touch base on the ebon set just a tad more and give you another example of why it's not just a tank build. So a while back I was in craglorn and joined this vet trial call. Now at the time I was on my healer and was at the time also running an ebon build. So just before we were all set to just go in, the "crown" decided to take a look at me, get all cocky and salty, said "Oh I'm not having a healer in my group that runs ebon because it's a tank set" So he had viciously removed me. Well, an hour later, because I was just hanging out in crag, those people came back out with a lot of salt that they could not finish the trial because the healers, well, "sucked". And there was a mildly weird zonechat fight about it. In anycase, half of those people started a new group and since I was still there hanging out, they picked me up. Regardless of my role and the 3 red glowy orbs floating around me. Well, we all took a stab at Vet HrC, and managed to get thru it, got the achievement and Undaunted bust. That was my first time running vhrc and I did that on my healer, sure enough from that day they started calling me an OP' healer. Though still at the end there were those that still defend their brown nosing that Ebon is a tank role armor set only, and it doesn't stack, and only tanks, not healers should use it. So that is just food for thought. I'm not saying it's a heal build only, and I have nothing against tank roles using it, my point was, that I was personally using it on my healer build for some additional health, and the 5th armor set perk also gave members in the party some extra kick. 2 people running it does not cancel the 5th perk, it just doesn't stack. Also, the perk I believe is a metered perk, and some groups in trials have to split. HrC I know at the start you would usually split into teams of 6 and 6, or AA you sometimes split into 4 ,4, and 4. So why not take someone running an armor set that gives you a smidgen of an advantage? Just saying.
Ahh yes, here we are at the threads title.
Random percentage in odds to finding what you want. Why is it, like OMG so difficult at times to farm what you want? It is so ridiculous in getting a good drop. When I farm and especially for jewelry I like to run the dungeon on veteran. For the better quality drop. Especially jewelry since it seems mats for upgrading jewelry is well beyond overly priced, like 2 of the worlds richest people combined overly priced. So thus, why go through a normal dungeon to get blue rings and a neck if running Vet gets you purple? Yeah! It is so difficult. Truth be told, if it wasn't for the golden merchant in cyrodiil, I would not have ever picked up 2 rings for ebon. It was by far just flat out luck that the golden vendor had them, and I got 2 gold Ebon rings for my set up. I wish that vendor did this more often and specifically for these sets. I don't know what it is, maybe it's just poor luck, but 6 months of farming norm and vet and I have never seen one Ebon ring ever.
Ok, so here are some links to these armor sets and what they can do:'s+Raiment+Set
(Green glow orbs)
(Blue glow orbs)
(Red glow orbs)'s+Veneer+Set
(Green glow orbs)
Also found this for WW:'s+Hide+Set
At the bottom of each of those pages you can see if they're bind on equip or pick up. However the page itself has some good details if you're interested in learning about the sets. I like them all, because they make you stand out, who doesn't like glowy orbs circling around you? Well there we have it, all in a nut shell. Also, I challenge anyone to make a better healer using 5 pieces of the Ebon set and tell me if you can heal players better than me. Can you pop off a heal that gives 18k to 21k heal at a time (not an ultimate) can you help players get through vet trials? Can you be more open minded instead of salty thinking it's offensive for a healer to wear Ebon if not tanking? Not everyone knows every thing about every thing. But that's my challenge to you. To be a better person and try new things.
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