Juju_beans wrote: »Just like wow's mythic+ dungeons ? Just because something is in wow doesn't mean it's good and should be in every MMO.
If you want to speed run then just form a group specifically for that.
Why do you need the game to do that for you ?
Parrot1986 wrote: »Good idea but for some roles getting a group using the finder is already pretty difficult, diluting the pot of healers, tanks could make that even harder.
MLGProPlayer wrote: »Just let us replay dungeon quests. Right now, they disappear once you complete the dungeon once.
Kidgangster101 wrote: »Why not have a system that alerts the group a new player is in the group upon them getting the quest for the first time. After the quest is complete it unlocks a "new player dungeon complete treasure chest" that contains a piece of random set item from the instance giving all players an incentive to stick around and take their time allowing people to complete the instance as a rushed boss could result in not completing the quest. Just an idea but reward the entire group for helping finish quests for others.
Kidgangster101 wrote: »Why not have a system that alerts the group a new player is in the group upon them getting the quest for the first time. After the quest is complete it unlocks a "new player dungeon complete treasure chest" that contains a piece of random set item from the instance giving all players an incentive to stick around and take their time allowing people to complete the instance as a rushed boss could result in not completing the quest. Just an idea but reward the entire group for helping finish quests for others.
That's actually a good idea. nothing wrong with encouraging positive behavior. And it has nothing to do with splitting the player-base.
I've also seen suggestions for a voting system. rewarding people for good behavior through votes would also be encouraging positive behavior. like a reward if you get all positive votes, or a random motif if you reach certain thresholds of votes for a supportive role or best teamwork votes or stuff like that.
The Idea sounds very promising on paper, like many ideas. And like those many ideas, would play out horribly in real time.
Queue times are punishing enough right now, with everyone in the same queue. You split queues, you will kill queue times. Fake tanks and Fake healers will increase exponentially in individual queues since the DPS queue would most likely be longer then most players have in their limited playtime.
Separating a player-base has NEVER improved queue times. And I guarantee you that queue times are far more impacting on player enjoyment then an RP accidentally grouping up with a speed run freak. or new players frustrated because they couldn't finish reading the quest.
The solution is something that has always been there. JOIN A GUILD. Get involved in guild aspects. Become part of a community. It works, really. it solves all aspects of grouping issues people twist their minds around trying to "solve" with a UI element.
> you can get a group of like minded individuals to play with
> you can eliminate queue times (queue with full group)
> you can get a group that allows you to read the quest scripts and enjoy the story
> you can get a group that will RP with you. or speedrun with you. or run around in big circles like a chicken with it's head cut off with you. whatever.
> and on top of that all, you can build guild camaraderie and forge ties with people in real ways.
Depends on the timing. Would work at prime time for NA server.Salvas_Aren wrote: »I would welcome it.
Not to mention that RPs would not welcome it. Well, they would state that they would like it that way, but their queue would be empty and nobody would carry them.