I've noticed several glitches not limited to Maelstrom but are impeding progress. So the main glitch occurs after defeating the boss in the Frozen Rink. As soon as the boss dies, if you are in werewolf form with the pack leader morph, your wolves immediately die and will not respawn. Even when I travel into the next Arena. The only way to force them to despawn is to either die and respwan, or to drop wolf and rebuild ultimate. This puts a huge dampener on my score as it garuntees a death.
The other glitch that occurs is that when I fasttravel while in werewolf form (pack leader morph) Dire wolves will not teleport with you and occasionally can't devour any enemies once landed.
- The creator of the concept for the Aetherial Well, yet to be acknowledged by ZOS- Sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe s...