Hi there,
since june, im regularly reporting a bug/exploit that allows mass dublication of items.
No matter where or how i post the tickets, all i get is canned responses telling me to put the offender (myself) on the ignorelist, "thank u for your feedback" and tickets r closed as "solved". I even made a post here, which i than reported to force a "green" acknowledgement.
Five mins ago the bug happened again, so u have a fresh ticket (181208-001828) in your systems.
Other tickets for that topic r:
This bug does happen randomly, but u can figure out the conditions under which its more likely to happen, thus it is exploitable. Even when doing my best to prevent it from happening, it still happens. More rarely, but i cant prevent it completely.
It would be really nice if u could fix it silently, w/o some jerk showing it on youtube, throwing the economy back into the stoneage and a followup mass ban.