This is the incredibly unprofessional message you get sometimes when killed while interacting with siege in Cyrodiil (wrong too because no critter is involved). It has been in since day 1 of ESO and is an example of the poor quality of coding and design. A few far more important examples:
1. In-combat bug that was introduced several patches ago. It has a very negative effect on PvP gameplay and a development team interested in quality would've fixed what they broke the following patch.
2. Severe pendulum swing approach to adjusting class balance in PvP rather than a coarse/fine/polish approach that should've been taken so after 4 years class balance would be finely polished and wouldn't be an issue every patch (and class abilities would be stable).
3. Lag and disconnects in PvP still after 4 years even with the ability to limit the numbers playing.
Grand Overlord Dyngrin, Templar, Daggerfall Covenant (PC/NA)