How do you guys feel about this particular ability and, compared to DK chains, do you find many Warden tanks using it? I'm wondering because, even among the tiny amount of Warden tanks I've played with, I've seen most of them falling back on Silver Leash instead of Frozen Device -- which is rather curious.
The first tank I made in ESO was a Warden, and all seemed perfectly well until I created a DK... Now, I'm without a Warden tank and playing full-time DK tank. Compared to DK tank, Warden tank has always felt like it has less control of the field with how slow and clumsy Frozen Device is. Yes, it technically offers more than Unrelenting Grip with how it immobilizes and applies Major Maim debuff (but, honestly, do you really need Major Maim on the sort of enemies you normally chain?). Most of the time, mobs simply walked past the gate before it activated or it bugged and you can just see a 'chainable' mob pew-pewing at you while standing on top of the gate... which hardly made sense. It also requires more out of you to use compared to chains, since you have to target it and then place it, while blocking against whichever melee mobs that are smacking you. I think it's rather underwhelming.
Consider content like Vet Blackrose Prison, where a large portion of your magicka reserve is spent chaining enemies as soon as they spawn, while blocking attacks from bosses that would more than likely one-shot you; do you find Frozen Device as "useful" as Unrelenting Grip? Does it offer enough to be a on-par with DK chains?
The reason I deleted my Warden tank, which I had invested at least 350 hours into, was that I just couldn't see myself doing the same content I've completed on my DK with the same level of ease and efficiency.
I think Frozen Gate needs more love from the combat designers, I mean it's an ability that is designed for tanks and nothing else. Yet, it is nowhere near as good as Unrelenting Grip or Silver Leash. Perhaps it should be instant (without the activation time) or an AOE pull with a limit on the amount of mobs it can teleport (no more than 2-3), I'm not sure.
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