After watching a group of 14 EP run circles around Fare farming 50+ AD for 20 minutes, I updated the last part for the solo/small players who have no idea what they're doing.
Copy paste of the new part:
The most important points to understand are:
- As a solo player or small group, you’re probably not going to be able to wipe a well structured min/maxed organised ball group.
- Their goal is almost always going to be farming AP and getting as many kills as they can.
- Once they see that they’re not going to have an easy time farming random people, they’ll move somewhere else.
- Your criteria for success (winning) should not be killing them all, it should be something along the lines of making it so tough and irritating for them to farm pugs (decreasing their AP per hour to less than PvDoor activities) that they have no choice but to go elsewhere (or rage quit). With that in mind, read through the following points and consider best how you can contribute to the fight.
- Don’t stack together. That just makes you a target, and even if you don’t die from their damage, the Vicious Death procs from other people around you will kill you.
- The majority of their damage comes from AoE, so if you can get the major and minor evasion buffs (25% and 10% less AoE damage respectively) that will help your survivability.
- Most players use one defensive set, one offensive set, and a monster set. Whatever it is that you use normally, while fighting a ball group you should consider swapping some of your sets (details on the link). Once you’re done fighting the opposing ball group, swap back to your regular gear!
- Keep snares down on all sides of them. Caltrops and Gripping Shards (Warden) are a good choices. They will have people spamming Retreating Manoeuvres, though every time one of them casts or does damage that buff is removed – and they’ll be snared or slowed slightly. This helps keep them less structured and may help isolate a straggler.
- Use time stop. Then use it again. Keep using it. You have no idea how irritating and disruptive it is.
- Use knock backs. If the opposing group are running around the top of a wall or keep, knocking a few off where they can’t get back in (because you’ve already repaired behind them) will make the rest jump off to get everyone back together. They may re-siege, but that wastes their time.
- Call out their healer’s names (/yell) and tab target them. Single target burst those healers, and the rest of the group will have a tougher time. An even better target is their Retreating Manoeuvres spammer, as if you can take that person out then the group will be a lot more challenged in their movement.
- Keep siege on them. If you’re alone, the damage you can do with siege is a lot more than with your skills (ultimate excluded).
- If you see them proxy and run towards you (usually with ults), run through them not away from them. That will reduce the time you spend standing in their ults, and they will rarely stop to kill you as they’re all following their leader. if you can get some snares in while moving (Gripping Shards is amazing for this), it will help de-ball them for a few seconds!
Remember that your goal is not necessarily to kill them, but to make it so challenging for them to achieve their goal of (easy) kills and enough AP (to make it worth the time) that they will go away. Killing them should be seen as an added bonus.
@DivineFirstYOLO Every single zerg on every single faction is automatically attributed to me.
Healing through the seven seconds of burst damage that all of these groups put out is key. Dodge rolling through said burst and immediately resing downed allies also helps overwhelm them with numbers. Once they dump their ultimates, they are vulnerable for counter-attack and will try to run away.