Delightful, imaginative concept, I've been eager for this to appear. Plus, I'd like to add slots to my current house without having to purchase some grand, massive estate. Old Mistveil Manor is nice and cozy. Thus this seemed ideal....a nice magical portal to, in essence, an annex to my house. Three questions:
1. Can I place the snow globe in my house and enter it from there?
2. Will it put me back in my house when I leave it? This would make sense. But I see it, inexplicably, has an Eastmarch location as well...odd as its architecture is wholly inconsistent with Eastmarch (more like The Hollow City).
3. How many slots does it have for collectible furnishings?
At 4200 crowns it's not exactly something you buy and try. If it does dump me in Eastmarch when I leave it ceases to makes sense...for me at least.
Many thanks!