The change is good, its the nightcapping that's the problem that needs to be fixed. Unless we get dynamic population caps (capping all the alliances at the current population of the lowest one), nothing is really gonna change.
The change is good, its the nightcapping that's the problem that needs to be fixed. Unless we get dynamic population caps (capping all the alliances at the current population of the lowest one), nothing is really gonna change.
That just won't work. It isn't EP players in, say, Australia's fault that there are more of them on than another alliance. You can't punish players for have more of a population than another if there aren't players on the other alliance. The same works for EP, DC, and AD. It isn't either alliances fault that the other alliances don't have players on at a different time of day. It just happens with a global game. Dynamic caps work to prevent players who are unfortunate enough to not be in the right time zone or only able to play at certain times of day from playing.
For example. Let's say AD has 10 players wanting to play, DC has 5, and EP has 20 players. So the dynamic cap method would only allow 5 players for each alliance on the server, cutting out 20 players between AD and EP from being able to play the game entirely in the zone they want to play in. This is not a solution. This is players who live on one side of the globe saying their concerns are more important that other players. They're not. And dynamic caps are a terrible idea.
Twohothardware wrote: »
ESO is a global game but there are US and EU servers so time zone differences aren't the real issue. The majority of players causing the imbalanced numbers are due to Alliance hopping and not wanting to play on the weaker sides because there's no incentives to be on any Alliance but the one that is going to win the Campaign. And the larger the score difference gets during a Campaign the more lopsided the numbers get.
That just won't work. It isn't EP players in, say, Australia's fault that there are more of them on than another alliance.
Twohothardware wrote: »
It just allows the Alliance with all the Scrolls to sit back and defend a handful of keeps while outscoring the other Alliance that has 3/4ths of the map. The focus for Points should be on holding the most Imperial Keeps which is much harder to do and helps keep the map more balanced in scoring.
Cyrodiil is most definitely not better now than it was a year ago in terms of scoring balance.
Pop caps are not the way to go. It won't stop those who faction-hop, or deliberately play off-peak to cap the map (EU based players are doing this at 6-7am) - it will only indiscriminately impact people - hurting those who really can only play at ttaht time and on that alliance..
The change to scrolls actually make them worth something. The way it was before, no one gave a damn about the scrolls most of the time and hardly ever bothered to capture them unless they were just PVDooring the map and had nothing else to do.
The only way population imbalance will be solved is to force population balance via dynamic population caps.
I know that is not popular but it is the only way
The scrolls are the focal point but I don't see how that's a bad thing. They are THE *** ELDER SCROLLS, on top of that - it adds a layer of strategy and coordination.
If your faction isn't coordinated enough to run the scroll or defend them while also pushing for keeps you get punished, like you should.
@ZOS_BrianWheeler Please revert the scroll scoring changes until your server tech can handle the kind of gameplay scroll and emp mechanics result in.
When you log in to prime time Cyrodiil to see one faction has emp and all scrolls, you know it's going to be a completely miserable evening because of the lag those things result in.