I'm really looking forward to buying Lakemire, the new Murkmire house, when it releases. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is thinking of turning it into a tribal village for another tribe of argonians.
Which presents a problem for me: the Hist. The only Hist furnishing in game is an achievement item from Shadowfen. It's quite small.

Compare it to the Root-Whisper Hist:

Or the Dead-Water Hist:

You can see that the furnishing we have is a baby Hist/sapling. I understand we'll likely be unable to have something so massive as the Dead-Water Hist, but there are many tree furnishings that are much larger than the Mimic Hist... Some are nearly the size of the Root-Whisper Hist.
Please give us a larger Hist. I could totally see this as a lux item sometime or something.