Had this idea for quite a while but never brought it up. What do you guys think of allowing furniture items, not plans, just items to be sold in a players house?
I don't think it will create too big of a dip in the market because right now its not really advantageous to make things on spec and put them in a guild store, as in my experience, most people would rather buy the plan than the furniture from a store.
I'm thinking maybe a new housing assistant that would hold i dunno, 50 or 75 pre-made items that are on display either through the U.I. preview or physically in front of the player.
This would give master crafters a reason to create the items they want to sell and give the players a reason to visit houses other than for coolness factor and/or dps dummies.
Obviously this would have to be well thought out and implemented in a way that doesn't murder the already low furniture market, but I think it would add additional value to the housing system.
What you think?
Tl;dr really weigh the fun you have in game vs the business practices you are supporting.