phileunderx2 wrote: »This morning loaded up my alt account and discovered I only had 50 gold on her so I snuck around the crafting area in vivec city and stole everything that was easily stealable. Took about 10 minutes and I made 380 gold. More than enough to train my mount. making gold is easy and being in a trading guild isn't necessary.
phileunderx2 wrote: »This morning loaded up my alt account and discovered I only had 50 gold on her so I snuck around the crafting area in vivec city and stole everything that was easily stealable. Took about 10 minutes and I made 380 gold.
TaliColdwater wrote: »I still hover around 30K. Here lately, I'm only at 15K. The one and only time I've ever had over 100K was when we had that daily log in reward. I took the opportunity to buy some furniture for my house. Buuuuuut, I wouldn't want an inflation type situation either.
Lol, 15 alts in 4 month of play, 1-2 hours each day for writs only, for resource restock etc.. and you call it easy way 🤨Sylvermynx wrote: »Hmm. I started playing in late June. I have over 2M gold now. Gold is easy.... just do crafting writs on 12 of 15 girls every day. Serious. I don't sell anything except to vendors - I'm not into the guild store monopoly (just give me a real AH damn it). I don't spend a lot of gold for anything.
Gold is easy. Quest lines.... not so much.
I really love ESO even if I'm not playing a lot like most of you, but it's been a while I'm thinking to write this thread. It's about the ESO economy (gold).
Getting gold in the game is way too hard if you don't sell items to other players directly or if you are luck in your guild store. My problem is that you can get a lvl 50 gold weapon and it will only sell for 20 gold to a vendor.
I personally don't use the guild vendor a lot and getting money in the game is so long. I'm only getting around 100 gold/hour by defeating bosses and selling some stuffs really fast.
Is there any way Zenimax could change how the economy work?
For example, items could be more and more expensive depending of the rarity and the level. (I'm talking about selling to normal vendor).
Thank you
you don't need a guild or a store to sell your items. Use for an overview of the market listings for the items you want to sell and then go to the 3 alliance capitals, craglorn and summerset.
Announce in zone you want to sell X for Y price. Even if they see it after you zone, they will send you a private message. .
Many people sell exclusively this way to reduce the overhead being in a high requirement guild causes.
Getting gold in the game is way too hard if you don't sell items to other players directly or if you are luck in your guild store. My problem is that you can get a lvl 50 gold weapon and it will only sell for 20 gold to a vendor.
I personally don't use the guild vendor a lot and getting money in the game is so long. I'm only getting around 100 gold/hour by defeating bosses and selling some stuffs really fast.
VaranisArano wrote: »Increasing the amount of gold you can get by selling items to NPC vendors will increase the amount of gold in circulation. That leads to inflation. To combat inflation, ZOS would have to increase gold sinks to take gold back out of the economy - things like Housing, guild trader bids, repair costs, Outfit System, and COD costs.
So unless ZOS wants to adjust their gold sinks to account for inflation, I doubt they'll increase the NPC vendor prices.
Especially when there is a simple solution: join a trading guild. There are plenty of guilds with decent traders and low or no fees/requirements. If you want to make more gold, spend that hour farming alchemy reagents and crafting materials and sell those to other players in the guild trader or in zone chat if you prefer to collect in bulk.
Bosses as a rule do not drop gold, and aren't really a source for it. They drop other valuable or useful stuff depending on the boss in question. Getting gold from monsters means grinding mobs - go to one of the Public dungeons that has a good mob density and a handy route to run over and over and over again.
Popular choices are Nchuleftingth, Rkindaleft, Sunhold, Obsidian Scar, Razak's Wheel and the Vile manse. Chapter dungeons come with the benefit of additional rare drops, but for simple gold grinding Vile Manse is my personal favorite. Just run around the upper level grinding mobs while listening to some podcast or Youtube video and generate tons and tons of gold.
Any dungeon, or any place with lots of mobs, will do the trick, but public dungeon mobs tend to drop lot more gold than items. Like 50 or more gold per drop and come in large packs. Though not all of them drop gold every time, but a single mob pack will generate couple of hundred gold. Kill 10 mob packs and you got 2k in gold. With a properly specced and geared AOE build it takes less 12 seconds to wipe a mob pack of 10. Grind a way for an hour or two and make serious bank in the process.