I’m curious what skills are recommended to get more damage out of my stam dk in duels. I’m running 7th spriggin and blood spawn on a 2h and sword and board. Do I need a different set combo am I not using the right skills. I was dueling another stam dk in CP 430 he wasn’t level 50 and he kept killing me I was close most the time but I couldn’t get it done.
I played around with having ven claw/ flames of oblivion/ rally/ dizzy swing/ exicusion. And I switched out dizzy swing for blawler. On my 2h
On the SnB I had vigor/ igni shield/ spiked armor/ noxious breath/ heroic slash.
I have take flight on both bars for the ult cuz it’s awesome for damage and an oh shot shield and cheap.
Let me know if theirs anything you think I need to switch up or if you think I just need to have better timing and blocking and play better.
Seems I was just out classes in some respects as far as the duel wit the other stam dk goes.
But if he was less then level 50 but has a bunch of champion points do they skill count for his character idk how that works.
Also just in general I feel like with my set up and skills I should have better damage. But it seems I can never put out serious damage in BG. The stam dk needs something.