Skills for a Stam dk running seventh legion blood spawn and spriggin

I’m curious what skills are recommended to get more damage out of my stam dk in duels. I’m running 7th spriggin and blood spawn on a 2h and sword and board. Do I need a different set combo am I not using the right skills. I was dueling another stam dk in CP 430 he wasn’t level 50 and he kept killing me I was close most the time but I couldn’t get it done.

I played around with having ven claw/ flames of oblivion/ rally/ dizzy swing/ exicusion. And I switched out dizzy swing for blawler. On my 2h

On the SnB I had vigor/ igni shield/ spiked armor/ noxious breath/ heroic slash.

I have take flight on both bars for the ult cuz it’s awesome for damage and an oh shot shield and cheap.

Let me know if theirs anything you think I need to switch up or if you think I just need to have better timing and blocking and play better.

Seems I was just out classes in some respects as far as the duel wit the other stam dk goes.

But if he was less then level 50 but has a bunch of champion points do they skill count for his character idk how that works.

Also just in general I feel like with my set up and skills I should have better damage. But it seems I can never put out serious damage in BG. The stam dk needs something.
  • Vapirko
    That’s a high damage setup but also low sustain, so if you’re having trouble keeping up continuous pressure that could be part of the reason you can’t win, not necessarily, just a thought. Brawler is a prettty trash skill. Dizzy swing is way better but only against bad players. It’s really really hard to win a duel against a good player with dizzy swing because it’s so easily blocked, dodged or simply evaded by speed. I was having the most luck with my Stam DK running DW backbar and 2H front bar. Rending slashes and poison claw on back bar for continuous pressure and 2h for gap closer, execute and CC. I don’t care for noxious breath much. It’s a bit unreliable and with spriggans that’s probably a bit of overkill. Are you in medium or heavy? Because you also need snare removal. Leap should go on your highest damage bar, and on the backbar the psijic ult morphed and passives so you get a small shield while blocked, plus 8% damage reduction all the time. This lets you use DW backbar poison claw, rending slashes, vigor, igneous, and Shuffle (if in medium), and the psijic ult for the damage reduction and occasional reversal. On the front bar I like running crit charge or wings, rally, dizzy swing, reverse slice and volatile armor for those pesky NBs and leap for the ult. I’ve never been a fan of the super tanky DK playstyle. Just my opinions, not a Stam dk professional or anything. This setup was working pretty well with just bone pirates and fortified brass in medium with an infused gold jewelry for extra wpn damage and warrior mundus.
    Edited by Vapirko on November 22, 2018 2:50AM
  • ochsinator
    Vapirko wrote: »
    That’s a high damage setup but also low sustain, so if you’re having trouble keeping up continuous pressure that could be part of the reason you can’t win, not necessarily, just a thought. Brawler is a prettty trash skill. Dizzy swing is way better but only against bad players. It’s really really hard to win a duel against a good player with dizzy swing because it’s so easily blocked, dodged or simply evaded by speed. I was having the most luck with my Stam DK running DW backbar and 2H front bar. Rending slashes and poison claw on back bar for continuous pressure and 2h for gap closer, execute and CC. I don’t care for noxious breath much. It’s a bit unreliable and with spriggans that’s probably a bit of overkill. Are you in medium or heavy? Because you also need snare removal. Leap should go on your highest damage bar, and on the backbar the psijic ult morphed and passives so you get a small shield while blocked, plus 8% damage reduction all the time. This lets you use DW backbar poison claw, rending slashes, vigor, igneous, and Shuffle (if in medium), and the psijic ult for the damage reduction and occasional reversal. On the front bar I like running crit charge or wings, rally, dizzy swing, reverse slice and volatile armor for those pesky NBs and leap for the ult. I’ve never been a fan of the super tanky DK playstyle. Just my opinions, not a Stam dk professional or anything. This setup was working pretty well with just bone pirates and fortified brass in medium with an infused gold jewelry for extra wpn damage and warrior mundus.

    Yeah the only thing is dizzy swing tweaks out rn that’s why I was using brawler. I like the SnB Brady set up where I can go from defense heals and some damage with ult regen to my 2h with my dots heavy attacks and more damage. If only their was another spammable for a stamina dk we could rely on besides dizzy swing or heroic slash. I’ve been preaching for a stonefist stamina morph. Call it dragon first make it short range higher physical damage.

  • Swomp23
    I'm learning myself and also have offensive problems, but here are my 2 cents.

    Drop heroic slash for ransack. Much cheaper and gives Major fracture. Then, you can drop Breath for Reverb Bash. This skill right here is wha makes SnB builds. Major Defile is just THAT good. As someone said in my topic, you can then invest cp points in befoul. Huge dps gain there. Plus they will have to break free every 7 seconds, which will drain their stam.

    Same person advised me to switch brawler for carve, so you still have minor heroism.

    Ransack will become your main spammable, so switch FoO to that bar. You can also flex it out for wings, depending on your opponent.

    What really good SnB players do is LA+Ransack+bash within every GCD, effectively giving them 3 attacks per seconds. I'm still unable to do that, but I will be working on it.

    Spriggan is a very good set for offense, but penetration doesn' boost your heals, unlike weapon damage and stam. If you would like more survivability to be able to apply more pressure, switch out spriggan for a stam or WD set. I'm personnally running Sloads, but that's a crutch.

    And don't worry too much about those ppl under lvl 50 beating you, they probably have maxed CP. Level doesn't mean much if they have all their skills.

    If you're on XBox NA, whisper me, we can do some never-ending stamDK duels! :p
    XBox One - NA
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