The last time there was any new content for high end solo play was Orsinium, with the Maelstrom Arena. In fact, that’s the ONLY content for high end solo play in the entirety of ESO. Everything else is (intentionally) easy overland content, PVP, or (increasingly) difficult group content.
For a challenge, solo players can attempt to do 4-player dungeons solo. But there’s several problems with this.
- Firstly, many of those dungeons have mechanics which require more than one player, either to click switches, or to free a trapped player who cannot free themselves.
- Secondly, the DLC dungeons have been pitched at increasing levels of difficulty, rendering them largely inaccessible even for players who are able to solo base-game dungeons on veteran difficulty
My suggested solution to this dearth of content for high end solo play is to add a ‘Solo mode’ to all dungeons.
Note: I am not recommending adjusting the difficulty of dungeons to suit solo players. Four-player dungeons could and should remain designed for 4 players. It is not my intention here to question the wisdom of setting DLC dungeons at ever-increasing levels of difficulty, excluding the majority of the player base.
Such a ‘Solo mode’ should be an alternate instance which can only be accessed by a single player. All mechanics which require multiple players should be revised, so that only one lever need be pulled, or permanent stuns receive limited durations or can be broken free from, and so on.
For difficulty, ‘Solo mode’ DLC dungeons could be pitched at about the same level as 4-player base-game dungeons. Base-game dungeons could remain at the same difficulty level, although with any group mechanics removed. There should, as a consequence, also be ‘Normal’ and ‘Veteran’ difficulties for ‘Solo mode’.
Alternatively, ‘Solo mode’ for base-game dungeons could also be set to a ‘bridging’ difficulty, perhaps with ‘Normal’ difficulty being at the level of public dungeons, but again, with only one player able to access them. ‘Veteran Solo mode’ for base-game dungeons could then be set to the level of Normal 4-player mode. This would preserve difficulty difference between base-game and DLC dungeons, while making the process of soloing more accessible for mid-tier players.
Obviously, dungeons which are completed on ‘Veteran Solo mode’ should also offer monster helms. And ‘Solo mode’ should also be an option for completing Undaunted pledges.
The aim here is to offer more content for solo players, while leaving the group content intact. It would also have the benefit of effectively adding value to the ESO+ subscription.