I know you said rotation is ok but honestly It’s going to come down to rotation more than anything. What skills are you using in full and what does a rotation look like I.e
LA - Blockade- LA - Liquid Lightning etc??
Are you using 2 fire staves?
- what is your BSW uptime? Should be aiming for this to be 56-60% otherwise it’s not really helping you.
- Where is light attack damage in your damage sheet? On a dummy it should be your highest/2nd highest damage contributor if you use dual fire staves.
Protossyder wrote: »Do you have all passives needed?
- class
- light armor(first 3 passives of medium and heavy)
- destruction staff
- undaunted
- psijic
- mages guild
- racial
- vampire
- alchemy (medicinal use)
Are you using pots (spellpower pots) and bufffood (witchmother's potent brew)?
Are you using atleast elemental drain for your tests? an effective dps build is not made to sustain without any "help" since you should be provided with ele drain and synergies (shards/bubbles) in trials and dungeons (unless you run with 3 dds, then you will have less synergies)
Other than that: your gear, cp are factors too, but most likely you have to work on your rotation. Do you track your dots? most importantly blockade and liquid lightning.
Also, pls don't listen to this "dummy tests are not real fights" ***. dummy tests are the best way to compare your dps to other classes/setups and players and improve your rotation, because they are static. The better you know your rotation, the better you will be able to execute it during bossfights while playing mechanics without thinking.
Target dummies are where you test your dps. Everyone has the same environment on a target dummy so you can compare. I understand what the poster was saying however. Some boss fights. Some. 15K might not be that bad. But op is saying that 15K is soft cap on EVERYTHING. Sounds odd with your set up. Take the sustain off your jewelry if you have. Add 175 Spell damage glyphs. Get the optimal enchants spell damage or fire glyphs as needed. Those changes if not made should get you to the 20k crest.
I'm a relatively new player, been playing since August. My main char is a Magicka Sorcerer, currently at CP 400ish. For some reason, I seem to be unable to increase my dps. I'm stuck around the 16k mark. My rotation might not be perfect, but it's at least decent (depending on movement, interrupts etc.). I'm running a full set of BSW and Julianos along with the usual Ilambris monster set. All sets are purple except for the staves, which are golden. Champion point wise, I'm following Alcast's recommendation. Still... no feeling of improvement.
I understand that the high end dps marks of 50-60k are perfect condition set ups and I'm not even trying to reach them. But then, this 15-16k seems to be a soft cap for me.
Any recommendations on how to improve this? Am I missing something?
This is the nature of magsorc. Although other players have yet to show me a 30K dps parse, I still do not believe this class can have sustained DPS over 20K. Other magicka classes yes, but not sorc. Most of the high hitting damage stems from bursts, with correct order and rotation of skills. If you don't get this exact rotation down, in combination with a specific pairing of sets, your sustained DPS will be marginal at best.
Magsorc is the most difficult class to master for damage dealt.
This is the nature of magsorc. Although other players have yet to show me a 30K dps parse, I still do not believe this class can have sustained DPS over 20K. Other magicka classes yes, but not sorc. Most of the high hitting damage stems from bursts, with correct order and rotation of skills. If you don't get this exact rotation down, in combination with a specific pairing of sets, your sustained DPS will be marginal at best.
Magsorc is the most difficult class to master for damage dealt.
Protossyder wrote: »- light armor(first 3 passives of medium and heavy)
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »40k self buffed is trivial with a heavy attack pet build.
I'm a relatively new player, been playing since August. My main char is a Magicka Sorcerer, currently at CP 400ish. For some reason, I seem to be unable to increase my dps. I'm stuck around the 16k mark. My rotation might not be perfect, but it's at least decent (depending on movement, interrupts etc.). I'm running a full set of BSW and Julianos along with the usual Ilambris monster set. All sets are purple except for the staves, which are golden. Champion point wise, I'm following Alcast's recommendation. Still... no feeling of improvement.
I understand that the high end dps marks of 50-60k are perfect condition set ups and I'm not even trying to reach them. But then, this 15-16k seems to be a soft cap for me.
Any recommendations on how to improve this? Am I missing something?
FrancisCrawford wrote: »
It's definitely not trivial. I almost never parse over 20K. Now, I'm typically messing around and not wholly optimizing -- cheap pots, Power Surge to make up for the cheap pots, whatever Mundus stone I have at the moment, whatever jewelry enchants first come to hand, etc., etc. And no trials or VMA gear whatsoever. Still, that all isn't enough to suddenly turn me into a 30K parser, and even if it were, it wouldn't be trivial. So 40K is DEFINITELY not trivial.
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »Pet sorcs have been breaking 40k with a basically a 5 skill 2 HA circular rotation for more than 2 years at this point. It's as easy as it gets.
Duh, I thought it was a 4 skill HA rotation. Which is the 5th?
Also, I dont break 40k with 2 HA but I do with 1 HA.
How can you break 40k if daedric curse is going to stay off for seconds?
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »
Clench is what I have always used. Admittedly, it's been a little while since I have tried to min/max a pet sorc, but the rotation I have always used is simple (on purpose). This is always my go to when teaching newer players to achieve acceptable DPS to break into trials. I know lots of people that broke 40k for the first time on this rotation. There have been patches where this build was closer to 50K:
LA>LL,LA>Blockade, Bar Swap, HA>Familiar, HA>Daedric Prey, LA>Clench, Bar Swap, Repeat. (5 Skills, 2 Heavys)
The point of this is to remain circular. You can of course achieve better uptime if you juggle everything independently, but that defeats the purpose of this style of rotation. It's meant to be as simple as possible.
The thing to realize is that no matter how you line up Familiar and Daedric prey in a circular rotation, at best you will buff 3 of the 5 familiar ticks with prey. If you go light attack in front of both, you buff ticks 2,3,4. If you go heavy attack in front of both, you buff ticks 3,4,5. If you put prey in front of familiar, you only buff ticks 1 and 2.
Of course you still need to juggle potions and ultimates. Another trick with this build for parsing is to run elemental susceptibility over ele drain. You can cast it pre-fight and forget. Major breach will reapply itself, and you just dont need the magic steal for this setup. Running 2 heavies sustains almost infinitely. If you want towards execute, you can drop one of the heavies for another LA.
It wont break records, but it will break 40 if you are on top of everything.
codestripper wrote: »
The parse from above (thanks @adeptusminor) was achieved with the following rotation:
Liquid Lightning > light attack > Elemental Blockade > swap > heavy attack > Daedric Prey > heavy attack > Volitile Familiar > swap > repeat.
The highest I've gotten on this self-buffed so far has been about 45.6k. And also the build I use in all content, even vMA. Does not require any skills to be changed around. This is also a 2 pet build, I use the twilight matriarch morph.
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »
Why is prey in front of familiar? They should be the other way around. You are losing at lease one buffed tick of your familiar.
If you put familiar in front of prey, both with heavy attacks, you buff ticks 3, 4 and 5. If you put prey in front of familiar, I think you only buff ticks 1 and 2 consistently. Been a long time, but I think this was tested a while back.
This is the nature of magsorc. Although other players have yet to show me a 30K dps parse, I still do not believe this class can have sustained DPS over 20K. Other magicka classes yes, but not sorc. Most of the high hitting damage stems from bursts, with correct order and rotation of skills. If you don't get this exact rotation down, in combination with a specific pairing of sets, your sustained DPS will be marginal at best.
Magsorc is the most difficult class to master for damage dealt.
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »
Why is prey in front of familiar? They should be the other way around. You are losing at lease one buffed tick of your familiar.
If you put familiar in front of prey, both with heavy attacks, you buff ticks 3, 4 and 5. If you put prey in front of familiar, I think you only buff ticks 1 and 2 consistently. Been a long time, but I think this was tested a while back.
This is the nature of magsorc. Although other players have yet to show me a 30K dps parse, I still do not believe this class can have sustained DPS over 20K. Other magicka classes yes, but not sorc. Most of the high hitting damage stems from bursts, with correct order and rotation of skills. If you don't get this exact rotation down, in combination with a specific pairing of sets, your sustained DPS will be marginal at best.
Magsorc is the most difficult class to master for damage dealt.
WrathOfInnos wrote: »
@Oreyn_Bearclaw It’s about buffing the final tick of the previous rotation’s familiar and the first tick of the next rotation’s. You’ll lose a little damage in a very short fight, but gain in a longer fight.