Good time to come back to the game?

  • MaleAmazon
    Look, try it yourself, but objectively this is not a great game

    True, but then, enjoyment is subjective, fortunately. :) My first impression of ESO (which is also my first MMO) was 'damn, it actually doesn´t seem to be worse than Skyrim'. I don´t like MMOs in general, but ESO is one of those games which has to me been more fun to play than is 'objectively' reasonable. Willow, Lagoon, Morrowind to some extent.. you can point out major flaws in them, but ultimately the only thing you can do is ask yourself, "is this worth my time" and answer yourself truthfully.

    To me, ESO actually has a pretty great and fluid combat system. The major drawback is that there is almost no content where you actually need to use it: PvP is to burst-y to really adapt or respond, and PvE is too much of a rollover. Quests are sometimes good, sometimes meh. Patches are fine IMO, you get some good changes and some bad changes, and then you roll with them or sit in a corner and sob. Take your pick. The lack of PvE difficulty is my major gripe and I´ve played less because of it. Might take a long break and not come back until better difficulty is implemented.

    I have not personally experienced any unusual lag whatsoever (PC EU) so I´m not sure any worsened lag can even be blamed on ZOS.

    To OP: If you haven´t played Summerset, try it. I mean, the game is sort of like it has always been, Morrowind and Summerset have higher production value content (and have to / had to be bought separately), Clockwork City and Murkmire have less production value. PvP is OP builds and whining so, nothing new since the Beta there.

    Take the game for what it is.
    Edited by MaleAmazon on November 19, 2018 1:49PM
  • HowlKimchi
    Performance for me has been pretty great this patch, and im in SEA. Dunno what the others are saying. It’s probably a user-side issue with them.
    previously @HaruKamui but I outgrew my weeb phase (probably)

    PC/NA - EP - Howl Bragi/Howl Kimchi
  • JinMori
    MaleAmazon wrote: »

    True, but then, enjoyment is subjective, fortunately. :) My first impression of ESO (which is also my first MMO) was 'damn, it actually doesn´t seem to be worse than Skyrim'. I don´t like MMOs in general, but ESO is one of those games which has to me been more fun to play than is 'objectively' reasonable. Willow, Lagoon, Morrowind to some extent.. you can point out major flaws in them, but ultimately the only thing you can do is ask yourself, "is this worth my time" and answer yourself truthfully.

    To me, ESO actually has a pretty great and fluid combat system. The major drawback is that there is almost no content where you actually need to use it: PvP is to burst-y to really adapt or respond, and PvE is too much of a rollover. Quests are sometimes good, sometimes meh. Patches are fine IMO, you get some good changes and some bad changes, and then you roll with them or sit in a corner and sob. Take your pick. The lack of PvE difficulty is my major gripe and I´ve played less because of it. Might take a long break and not come back until better difficulty is implemented.

    I have not personally experienced any unusual lag whatsoever (PC EU) so I´m not sure any worsened lag can even be blamed on ZOS.

    To OP: If you haven´t played Summerset, try it. I mean, the game is sort of like it has always been, Morrowind and Summerset have higher production value content (and have to / had to be bought separately), Clockwork City and Murkmire have less production value. PvP is OP builds and whining so, nothing new since the Beta there.

    Take the game for what it is.

    I agree that the combat system is good.

    But overall, id's say this game feels like it's been neglected, iv'e already made a lot of posts, and many other people did, so there is no point repeating the same point over and over, i'm sure that if you visit the forum from time to time, you should know what i'm referring to.
  • Kingslayer513
    How’s the game doing? I don’t notice as much population/chatting on the forums as there used to be.

    That's a good thing. People come to the forums in highest numbers when there's something wrong with the game.

    That being said, you're only seeing the calm after the storm that was Murkmire PTS period.
  • RebornV3x
    Depends on what server your on PC NA is pretty good but if you happen to have the game on consoles you shouldn't waste your time both PS4 and Xbox one is a shell of its former self if your a casual player its probably fine but if you plan on doing endgame content then definitely not worth coming back
    Xbox One - NA GT: RebornV3x
    I also play on PC from time to time but I just wanna be left alone on there so sorry.
  • ScardyFox
    No lol
  • siddique
    I came back after 1.5-2 years. And I'm loving it. Even though I changed platforms and I have to pretty much start all the way again, I can't stop playing.

    Heck, I haven't played red dead redemption since it was released even though I have it installed.
    "Knee-jerk reactionist."
    Lost Depths, 2015-2022.
  • FearlessOne_2014
    GreenhaloX wrote: »
    Lots of loading screen and wayshrine crashes plus the infinite loading screen, lags, lag and more lags, weapon issues to disappearing and misfiring and resetting to game literally convulsing in seizures.. nahh, not a good time. Then again, is it ever? Same shitt after every new DLC and reoccurring anniversary events. Why am I still with this game, you ask? Ok, I'll answer, since you asked. Cause all my female toons are hot as hell. Only thing worthwhile in this game. Yeah, I know, truly sad really.. ha ha

    But nowhere near as hot as mines. I'm willing to bet!








  • FearlessOne_2014
    Multi post accident! Please delete!
    Edited by FearlessOne_2014 on November 19, 2018 8:17PM
  • todokete
    nice waifus @FearlessOne_2014
    Edited by todokete on November 19, 2018 8:21PM
  • DaveMoeDee
    Hop on while ESO+ is having free trial. Really depends though on what you want to get from the game. I am very satisfied.
  • JinMori

    But nowhere near as hot as mines. I'm willing to bet!









    Black desert would be such a good game if not for the extreme grind and p2w, it's just sad.

    I would switch to it in a heartbeat if those things were not in the game.

    The second one is gw2 i think, right? Is it good?
    Edited by JinMori on November 19, 2018 8:23PM
  • FearlessOne_2014
    JinMori wrote: »

    Black desert would be such a good game if not for the extreme grind and p2w, it's just sad.

    I would switch to it in a heartbeat if those things were not in the game.

    The second one is gw2 i think, right? Is it good?

    Yes I agree with you on the BDO part.

    The second one is GW2 indeed.
  • todokete
    I play in the private server for BDO, no p2w.
    I left about a month before summerset.

    How’s the game doing? I don’t notice as much population/chatting on the forums as there used to be.

    Play for like a month before you decide to sub or not. You may have to reconfig your playstyle based on the changes, as they were a big deal.
    Masel wrote: »
    Asking here will most likely not get you a representative sample of answers :smiley:

    Forums are known for a lot of negativity. Sometimes I wonder why many of these people who spread a lot of negativity seem to stick around anyway.

    I'm still enjoying the game, even though there's not really anything I can go for these days, since I cleared everything I wanted already.

    But the balance is actually better than many make it sound here, and there is a huge amount of content to do.

    If I feel the need to be critical about something, I always speak my mind, whether on these forums or irl. I do my best to be polite though.
  • Morgul667
    Performance is an all time low and that is saying something
  • maxjapank
    Yes. Good time to come back. Action and combat are full on non-stop. Literally. You can step foot in Cyrodiil and be in combat for days. Even when you want to take a break, you will be unable to. Just constant combat. ;)
  • Finviuswe
    Oh yeah. Yeah. Great time.

    Patch just hit. Population has been consistent. Some of the balance changes are quite interesting.
    Edited by Finviuswe on November 20, 2018 1:26AM
  • Heimpai
    I quit and recently came back...I’ve been enjoying it thus far, suppose all i really needed was a break

    If you have the time then why not try it?
  • JinMori
    todokete wrote: »
    I play in the private server for BDO, no p2w.

    Yea, but the grind is still there, and it's a private server, so performance updates etc, probably aren't as good as in the official server.
  • todokete
    JinMori wrote: »

    Yea, but the grind is still there, and it's a private server, so performance updates etc, probably aren't as good as in the official server.

    I encourage you to come and try it before you say nonsense
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