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Bright-Throat’s Boast

Hello, how good is this Set on a magblade comparing to lich for example?

And does it Work with the gold magicka health + Rec Drink?

Edited by ZOS_GregoryV on November 17, 2018 7:28PM
  • JimmyJuJu
    It's actually called "Bright-Throat’s Boast". Though, I like your name better. With butter, cheese, and avocado please.

    Anyway, the advantage of this set is that it's overland which makes it much, much easier to come by and is available at guild traders. The weapons are still ridiculously expensive (especially staves) but that will come down over time. The body pieces can be found in off traits relatively reasonably. Based on this, it might edge out Lich.

    That said, I have Lich inferno and resto staves, all body pieces, and all jewels so I am loathe to replace any of it. :D
    Edited by JimmyJuJu on November 16, 2018 5:47PM
  • karekiz
    I like bright as its a huge mana boost and the regen is definitely noticeable.
  • seventaru
  • MasterSpatula
    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • Ragged_Claw

    Sorry I can't help with your query though...
    PC EU & NA
  • Claudman
    First thing I thought of...

    Welcome, Moon-and-Star, to this place where destiny is made.

    I play healers or DPS often for vet dungeons and trials (NA, CP810+). I play mostly elves or Argonians.
    I primarily play Damage-Based stuff in PvP, but occasionally I'll play something tanky or got the heals.
    I also love gaining more knowledge both metaphysical and mundane regarding TES lore.

    I also occasionally role-play, but I prefer playing the game.
  • carlos424
    Hello, how good is this Set on a magblade comparing to lich for example?

    And does it Work with the gold magicka health + Rec Drink?

    It definitely works with double bloody mara (no vampire required), which is nice for that max health and magicka.
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    That was some autocorrect. Siri has a dirty mind.

    I think the 2 most obvious comparisons to this set are lich and shacklebreaker (its a mag version of bone pirate). It is comparable to lich in the sense that it gives very good sustain overall. Lich wins in the sustain department, but a lot of people dont love the proc nature of lich. BTB is more damage than lich.

    You can also compare to shackle. Both give essentially 4k of stats, but shackle splits them between magic and stam, where as BTB gives all to magic. Max magic and magic sustain are better with BTB, but stamina management is obv better under Shackle. Again, BTB is going to be more raw damage than shackle, but you might need to compensate for stamina management in other ways.

    I dont think the 1 piece stam recovery bonus from shackle is all that noticable, but I do think you most magic characters need a min stam pool of 15k or so. Going with all tri-stat glyphs and 1-2 jewelry pieces gets you to a good stamina spot without shackle.

    I am running BT with two variations right now:

    In groups, I am having fun with BTB, Spinner front bar, and a master destro back bar. You are obviously squishy with no resto, but If I have healers, I find it a really strong combo. I use at least one piece of Chudan or Pirate Skeleton (or both) for the resists. It allows you to be pretty tank against most players. I still struggle to keep shields up against high crit builds. One reason I like the back bar master destro, is that you ensure that you have your spell damage enchant active for all your bursts. The Reach is more reliable to proc the enchant than a back bar weave which is can be unreliable with lag.

    When solo, I am enjoying Shackle+BTB. Again, I usual run at least one resist monster set. Sustain and stats are great, damage leaves a bit to be desired. When solo, I typically opt for a back bar resto.

    In both builds I can get my crit resist to 3k, and spell/phys resists to 20-23K (depending on monster sets). All are above 15k stam, 25k health, and 40k magic. My hardened word caps with just a handful of points into bastion. Sustain is not really an issue if I am on top of dark conversion.

    Edited by Oreyn_Bearclaw on November 16, 2018 9:54PM
  • gp1680
    I wish I could give two awesomes. One for the title and one for the actual set. I started using on my mag sorc and the extra mag and recovery is good. Especially if you can pair it with a defensive monster or five piece set that gives extra health and/or resistance.
  • cazlonb16_ESO
    Still wanna know: Why impersonate the one and only true Big Boss ?
  • vgabor
    I actually use it in PVE on my tank when doing solo/quests, the max mag and recovery really help to boost the lower mag attribute (being a tank I only have about 20 points in mag), paired with jullianos and valkyn skoria transforms my dk tank into quite a magdps to easily deal with quests and such
  • Jeremy
    Hello, how good is this Set on a magblade comparing to lich for example?

    And does it Work with the gold magicka health + Rec Drink?


    It's a good set. I knew I would be wearing it as soon as I saw it advertised. Much better than Lich if you ask me.
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