Akavir next chapter?

A redguard hints west of summerset.........well Akivir is west of summerset isnt it? The nirn map as a globe
  • Shawn_PT
    Akavir is East. Yokuda is West. Also could be Thras or Pyandonea I suppose.
  • TiZzA93
    Akavir is east on the map but looking at it as a globe wouldnt it be the next west continent as yokuda is more northwest
  • Azurya
    Elsweyr, if I had it my way!
  • Claudman
    Why travel somewhere outside of Tamriel when we haven't experienced all of Tamriel yet?
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  • BigBadVolk
    Nah, akavir is east + bethesda and zos plans to leave Akavir as a mystery, maybe we'll see the races themselves invading one day, but the continent itself probably not at least not in our lifetime :D
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  • Unit117
    Claudman wrote: »
    Why travel somewhere outside of Tamriel when we haven't experienced all of Tamriel yet?

    Biodiversity wise we are starting to run low of what they can do.. It’s pretty much Skyrim, shadowfen to murkmire is all more swamp. Then more desert and shrubland in hammerfell that’s all pretty much been done through the updates.

    They may want to break all those into dlcs and expand outward to give us fresh new experiences that don’t feel like repeated areas. Like shadowfen and murkmire does.
    Edited by Unit117 on November 13, 2018 3:46PM
  • Kuramas9tails
    .......I can only hope.
    Edited by Kuramas9tails on November 13, 2018 4:29PM
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    • ElectricWyzzard
      Where in the lore does it say that nirn is a globe?
    • Bruccius
      Akavir is a mystery. It should remain as such until Bethesda needs it.
      Where in the lore does it say that nirn is a globe?

      Daggerfall and, the orrery in TES IV, and Card Art in TES: Legends.
    • TiZzA93
      I know alot of people want elsewyr but am i right thinking akivir is closest west of summerset speaking as a globe yokuda wud be a good bit north west instead
    • JD2013
      It is more than likely going to be Elsweyr. I can't see ZOS doing Akavir before filling in all of Tamriel.
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