I've again accidentally tried to launch the game when the harddisk was not plugged. The result?
Steam forced integrity verification, and, because the new game data differs from the outdated data on Steam servers, Steam forced a re-download.
Now, I have 70GB of download (!), and Steam estimates 15 hours, then I'll have a full verification in the launcher, and redownload again in the launcher, which will probably be more like 20 hours.
So, 35 hours of waiting, and using the entire hotel's Wifi transfer, because of a minor bug.
So, a huge issue and a simple fix:
Way 1, the better one: Rely only on Steam downloads - completly remove the launcher from Steam version, and push all updates through Steam. Also, let us use the console UI for character creation/selection, and we'll have the perfect game for controller users
Way 2, the really, really simple one: Rely only on the launcher - remove the data from Steam installation, making Steam download only the launcher, and let the launcher do all the installation and updates, like any civilized MMO on Steam. Simple enough? All it involves is deleting all the data files from Steam servers.