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How do players get all this gold?

I'm not new, I believe I have played for two years, but I pretty much played casually, doing quests, occasionally Dolmens and dungeons, but now I notice people are selling stuff for like 48k and such, where do you get the gold to buy this stuff? And where can I get rare items to sell? I once went with a friend to WB where we grinded for gear, but the average was like 500g to 1k, also, Im in a trading guild and have been selling some stuff and making gold, but where can I find the reay juicy expensive items? Thanks.

Best Answer

  • Ramber
    right now PvP has drops that are going for 6 figures but that are fading fast. a set called spell strategist. Other then that if you spend time farming all the nodes you can you can sell them and make 25/50/75k a day if you got the time. You can also do daily writs where you can get really good gold writs to sell.... Look in some stores and see whats going for a lot then research how to get that item(s).... there are a lot of ways to make gold, even helping others grind exp can get you paid.
    Answer ✓
  • VaranisArano
    I farm mats and sell them on my guild stores. Alchemy reagents sell particularly well.

    If you want expensive items, thats mostly desirable gear drops. Those come from farming chests, public dungeon bosses, or dolmens in certain zones, but it has to be the right set/trait. Alternatively, motif drops from Summerset or DLC dungeons.
  • Aertew
    Ramber wrote: »
    right now PvP has drops that are going for 6 figures but that are fading fast. a set called spell strategist. Other then that if you spend time farming all the nodes you can you can sell them and make 25/50/75k a day if you got the time. You can also do daily writs where you can get really good gold writs to sell.... Look in some stores and see whats going for a lot then research how to get that item(s).... there are a lot of ways to make gold, even helping others grind exp can get you paid.

    Thanks, and by nodes you mean places that have mats right?
  • AllPlayAndNoWork
    I generally go hell for leather at events to get my gold up...Sell everything I can.
  • PouletRico
    Nodes = everything you can gather in the game (plants, ore, wood etc...).

    First, make sure to have all the decoy passives in crafting skill lines, and decoy every gears you don't use or sell. You'll get a lot more mats to sell, especially on jewelry, it's sell pretty good (at least on PC/EU).

    Also, if you have the 10 skill points in a crafting line, you can do the daily writ, you can loot some good stuff (gold mats etc) from the reward, but it's RNG based.

    And finally, make sure to install Master Merchant and Tamriel Trade Center addons, a must-have when you want to make gold from guild stores.
    @PouletRico - EU PC Megaserver
    PouletRico - TankDK - EP
    Experimental Kamikaze - StamDK - AD

    I'm doing my best, but I'm not a native speaker
  • SantieClaws
    Advice from Khajiit.

    Steal everything that is not nailed down. Also if it is nailed down make sure you have a crowbar.

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here - https://youtube.com/user/wenxue2222

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Aertew
    PouletRico wrote: »
    Nodes = everything you can gather in the game (plants, ore, wood etc...).

    First, make sure to have all the decoy passives in crafting skill lines, and decoy every gears you don't use or sell. You'll get a lot more mats to sell, especially on jewelry, it's sell pretty good (at least on PC/EU).

    Also, if you have the 10 skill points in a crafting line, you can do the daily writ, you can loot some good stuff (gold mats etc) from the reward, but it's RNG based.

    And finally, make sure to install Master Merchant and Tamriel Trade Center addons, a must-have when you want to make gold from guild stores.

    Thanks, and yeah I have Master Merchant and Tamriel trade center.
  • Veinblood1965
    I was low on gold to then I ran the dark brotherhood and thieves guild quest lines. After that I usually make about 15k a day for just about 20 minutes of assassinations and thieving and you get the blade of woe to do that right off the bat with the dark brotherhood line. Usually just whack an NPC thats alone when I find them and steal stuff from containers when I have a sec. Some motif types from the daily thieves guild quests sell for about 20 to 30 k and you get one of those about every few days. I now have about 500k in the bank. It adds up and the animations from killing an NPC are quite cool!
  • Danikat
    Stealing is a good way to make gold early on, because literally anyone can do it (there are skills which will make it easier, but you can make a few thousand gold in under an hour on a level 1 character), and daily quests - particularly crafting writs - are good too.

    To make lots of gold from trading you need either large amount of items players need large amounts of - aka crafting materials - or drops most people can't/won't get. It's the classic case of 'if it was easy everyone would do it' - if an item is widely available and people don't need lots of them then it's not going to be worth much, because everyone will be able to get their own. So you need either things which are hard to get - like weapons from veteran DLC dungeons - or rare drops.

    It also requires a degree of monitoring the market. Not all drops are equal and every balance patch or meta-game shift can change what players want and what's easy to get. If you get too attached to farming and selling one item, or type of item, sooner or later you're going to be caught out when what you farm isn't selling any more.
    Advice from Khajiit.

    Steal everything that is not nailed down. Also if it is nailed down make sure you have a crowbar.

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws

    Years ago I read an article about a new environment artist at Bethesda having to be warned that not only will TES players steal anything that's not nailed down, if it is they'll steal the nails too. Apparently he thought his carefully designed scenes would be safe because most of the items weren't valuable, and was a bit surprised to learn that wouldn't matter to players and it was actually better to use heavy objects, or make them literally immovable if it was important. I seem to remember one of their examples was the guy who collected every single pillow in Morrowind.
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • Ramber
    Aertew wrote: »
    Ramber wrote: »
    right now PvP has drops that are going for 6 figures but that are fading fast. a set called spell strategist. Other then that if you spend time farming all the nodes you can you can sell them and make 25/50/75k a day if you got the time. You can also do daily writs where you can get really good gold writs to sell.... Look in some stores and see whats going for a lot then research how to get that item(s).... there are a lot of ways to make gold, even helping others grind exp can get you paid.

    Thanks, and by nodes you mean places that have mats right?

    yes, use skill points so you can better see the wood, clothing and blacksmithing nodes as well as the runestones. When i first started to farm i had a blast farming for 2 hrs or so then listing them and waiting for the sales but you have to know the current market value for the items, so i suggest master merchant to tell you all that its an add on. If you need further help you can join my sales/pvp/pve guild if you like just message me at @rekkerz.
  • El_Borracho
    Trials and dungeons. Get loads of ornate gear, regular/white gear, and other useless items to sell. And if you do vet trials, you can get about 12K in Undaunted Plunder per run.
  • Veinblood1965
    Trials and dungeons. Get loads of ornate gear, regular/white gear, and other useless items to sell. And if you do vet trials, you can get about 12K in Undaunted Plunder per run.

    True, I just started running normal dungeons about 10 days ago and pulling in the materials. I'm a master crafter and had no idea.
  • Rehdaun
    I made most of my gold by flipping. Buy low. Sell high. Even a casual check of traders will get you enough stock to fill a trader or two.
  • goldenflameslinger
    Do the daily crafting writs....you will get some $ for each that you do plus you can sell any Master Writs that you get. They go for around $1,000 per writ in traders (except for Jewelry Writs...which suck). You will get some tempers, recipes, etc. that you can sell as well. Some of the purple provisioning recipes go for a lot.
    Edited by goldenflameslinger on November 13, 2018 9:09PM
    PS4 NA DC id: goldenflamesling
  • Veinblood1965
    Do the daily crafting writs....you will get some $ for each that you do plus you can sell any Master Writs that you get. They go for around $1,000 per writ in traders (except for Jewelry Writs...which suck). You will get some tempers, recipes, etc. that you can sell as well. Some of the purple provisioning recipes go for a lot.

    I've never gotten one purple provisioning recipe this makes me sad.
  • jaws343
    I remember when I first started trying to make gold, I couldn't pass 20K in my bank some weeks. And then I paid in 3K to one of my guilds doing a raffle, won 100K and everything took off from there.

    But, more realistically, Buy Low Sell High. I wouldn't even worry about trying to go for broke right away either. Set your guild trader price range to 5K or lower and look for a few decently traited pieces that will sell for 2-3K more. Buy them and relist. Soon, you'll be looking for pieces that will sell for 50K+. A few months ago, I went through every trader and bought every Necro Inferno and Lightning staff priced under 25K. Turned around and flipped the bad traited ones for 40K and the good traits for 60K+. Made millions. Some people just do not know how much things are worth to other people. One of those Necro staves I bought was selling for 5K. I sold it myself for 65K.

    And motifs during events. They sell like crazy. I easily made 5M during the dailies event just selling worm cult motifs. And I learned the full motif.

    The most important thing is to keep your trader full and refresh your items every week or two weeks by removing them all and relisting them. Refreshing the items pushes them to the top of most people's search since they search by listings date. The longer an item has been in the trader, the less desirable it looks. take the time to adjust your prices as well.

    And as far as keeping your trader full. Even if you don't have enough items of value to fill every slot, just throw some off trait gear in for 1 or 2K. Someone will want it for some reason. And at least a shot at making 1K is better than a shot at making nothing. Worse comes to worse, you have to remove the filler listing to place something better.
  • Mintaka5
    Have you all noticed the basic item drops lately? I used to run spots like Sapiarchs College and larger delves and sell my basic gear drops and come out with 1.4K to 2K gold. Now that's been halved since the first patch after Murkmire. I've noticed the gear drops especially. There are fewer higher quality items like Rubedite/Rubedo gear, and like triple the amount of worthless drops like void steel, and such. Grinding gold was a grind now it's been made even grindier.
  • AcadianPaladin
    My approach is, I suppose, a little different. I don't belong to any trade guilds - my character is an adventuress not a merchant. The philosophy we use is a basic income from questing/exploration + time + not spending a whole lot. Our results after two years is 2M in the bank. Only one house and only very rarely buying motifs and such helps.
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • El_Borracho
    @Veinblood1965 It is a ridiculous amount of mats, well, except of course jewelry mats. Between the heavy sacks, barrels/crates, and the amount of gear you can decon, you almost don't have to go node hunting. And that is on top of the booty you get in drops. Throw in the purple-level trash gear (i.e. Spelunker, Immortal Yokeda, etc.) its an incredible resource
  • Loralai_907
    What I generally do is writs on as many characters as humanly possible, followed by selling absolutely everything of value that I get from doing writs, and selling anything else I come across that is worth anything (over 500g ideally). I just got back to over 2million gold after a massive shopping spree for furniture items. One night, I was super tired, and I spent over 2.5 million on various furniture items from across the land instead of logging off and going to sleep. So we are currently on a no spending spree to raise my funds back up, just because I am curious how high I can get it before I lose my mind again.

    So, if you have a character at max level(maybe even just lvl 50), you get between 4-5k gold from doing all the writs on that character - between rewards from just doing them and selling the ornate stuff to a vendor. I am doing them on 9 characters, which can get me around 45k per day. Now, sell off everything gold, purple recipes etc, and even blue jewelry mats via guild trader. This includes master writs. I only keep big master writs I would actually do and sell the rest. Now you are making more than just 45k per day. Also I PvP a lot, so anything worth any real gold I sell from the RotW boxes via guild trader.

    I am working on researching traits on all but my first character (1st is already done) and have some that are still working on getting various crafting skills to 50. So I keep all my intricate gear from doing writs and decon them with whatever my next character that needs that skill. Just kind of casually working on these things, it'll get done when it gets done. No sense in turning it into a dang job. Any gear or glyphs I pick up questing or whatever, they all get deconned by one of my up and coming crafters, unless it is a set worth anything or something I need for a set I'm gathering.

    I save up all my surveys until my inventory just cannot handle any more, and then I go gather all of them. After that, start refining. You'll get more gold mats to sell off plus a bunch of other crafting mats that you can keep or sell.
    PC-NA - formerly, mommadani907Guild: Weeping Angels - Co-GMTwitter: @ Loralai_907 several Alt accounts....CP 1700+
    Active characters:Fauna Rosewood ( Bosmer Stam DK - Master Crafter/AD)///Loralai Darknova (Drunken Zombie Bosmer Stam Sorc - PvP/AD)Lilith Darknova ( Dunmer Mag DK - Master Crafter - PvP/AD)///and roughly 1billion alts
  • Mr_Walker
    Just play the game naturally, sell excess gear, disregard irrelavant and useless cosmetics, you'll have heaps of money.
  • Mr_Walker
    Danikat wrote: »
    I seem to remember one of their examples was the guy who collected every single pillow in Morrowind.

    I did that in FO3. Coffee cups, for some reason I got fixated on them. I remember doing the enclave base and dropping gear because I had to pick up coffee cups on the dining tables. I had a drawer in my house at Megaton with hundreds (1000+?) of them.

    I was actually a bit put out in F4, because everything respawned. :(
  • PouletRico
    jaws343 wrote: »
    Some people just do not know how much things are worth to other people. One of those Necro staves I bought was selling for 5K. I sold it myself for 65K.

    Actually most of people do know, it's just this guild traders system that make people buy high, even if they know they could spend less. I do it myself. Would you rather buy something with a higher price or run around Tamriel, checking every single traders to find the lower price ? Of course TTC helps sometimes, but most of the time, I just buy the stuff and play the game, I don't want to get stuck in boring traders and loading times for ages...
    @PouletRico - EU PC Megaserver
    PouletRico - TankDK - EP
    Experimental Kamikaze - StamDK - AD

    I'm doing my best, but I'm not a native speaker
  • goldenflameslinger

    I've never gotten one purple provisioning recipe this makes me sad.

    They are few and far between, but they do happen. I usually get a new one, one that I don't already know, maybe once every six months.
    Edited by goldenflameslinger on November 14, 2018 3:22PM
    PS4 NA DC id: goldenflamesling
  • zaria
    For me the big ones was the anniversary event, my first took me from 200K and past 3M.
    Poor Khajiit becomes fat cat. Second was just as lucrative I say they gave me more than half of my 8M wealth.
    In short run dailies on lots of alts.

    Else I have an pretty steady income and not much expenses, no I would not buy spell strategist weapons :)
    You might want to farm it however, jewelry also sell very well.
    Hate PvP, well make some stealth gear and do thief guild heists for pages.
    Level up jewelry and farm dolmens for deconstruct for purple.
    Master crafting writs is another, sell them, you can always buy others if you need.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Strut6569
    Daily crafting writs.
    4 toons running all the writs = 14k+g per day. Adds up fast and only takes 20-30 minutes.
    Sell extra gear.
  • Anotherone773
    There are many ways to make gold. Some people stick to a single way while others, like me, prefer multiple avenues.

    I started out thieving on my first character. it was good money for the time but my ambitions have grown. Trade guilds is how you make bank in this game. And i sell it all from lockpicks to Purple Murkmire and Alinor prints. You know you are a master merchant when you can turn a profit on "insect parts"

    With trade guilds its all about location. I have my high end trade guild in which i could sell literally anything, my secondary which is pretty good but some stuff wont sell, and then my third guild is low end overflow. The "ghetto trader" I might only make 5k or 10k on that low end a week but gold is gold, its all shiny and it all spends.

    DLCs and dailies are your friends for filling your bank full of gold as well.
  • GreenhaloX
    List items which folks claim to be BiS and meta and price gouge the hell out of those. Don't have to wait long for other peeps with lots of gold to come biting. Blessed you peeps that are too lazy to farm for the items/gears. Ha ha
  • JKorr
    While you run around doing quests, pick up everything. Some players will leave behind worms and crawlers in nodes, not knowing or caring that bait sells. Pick up all the runes; while Ta runes aren't worth it, really since you only use them for doing normal writs, mundane runes do sell, along with the other mats needed to make furniture. I've watched people run past columbine; they just ran past about 200 gold. If you decon items you can sell the tempers and mats. If you farm ore, wood, and fibers you can refine and sell the mats and tempers, or sell the raw mats. If you have a crafter, do the normal writs. You get recipes and lower level mats and surveys.
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