I went off on one a week or so ago when I got so frustrated about.....well you know.....let's face it the words lag and log were involved.
And I got warned, officially warned by a red Z in a green square, for being negative. Probably deserved.
But it got me thinking about what I see from peeps with a Red Z in a green square in here, this forum. First, Giordano Bruno, and her sidekick (John Dee was it?) never post here, you know the famous celebrity moderators on that Merkan TV thing. Isn't that negative, that they never post here? Secondly, the posts I do see here are from lesser Red Zs in a green square are all negative...."we've had to block XYZ posts for infringing forum rules" over and over.
So, I'm calling you on this you moderators, give us some positives. Go on, like the odd post, post some pictures of cute fluffy kittens, heck, why not let us know that you agree with the odd criticism and say you are working with the powers that be to sort it.
Being anti-negative is not being positive, yeah? Nothing is always an option.
Come on mod folks, show us some lurve, or at least some acknowledgement that our concerns are valued and not just heard.