Since the update on vMA (on xbeu)

Only 6 people have done it on a dk
Only 36 people on a sorc
Only 27 on an nb
Only 8 on a Templar
Only 4 on a warden

That’s REALLY low compared to what it usually is . Draw your own conclusions but I Think that should be telling the devs something about the game balance since the update

  • LeagueTroll
    this is not pc right? also even on pc na warden is normally like 30 a week anyways.
  • ImmortalCX
    this is not pc right? also even on pc na warden is normally like 30 a week anyways.

    Where can we see this information?
  • weedgenius
    ImmortalCX wrote: »
    this is not pc right? also even on pc na warden is normally like 30 a week anyways.

    Where can we see this information?

    If you check the vMA leaderboards (same place as all the other ones, Journal tab? I think) it shows you only the scores for the class that you're currently on. So if you log in on a toon of each class and check the leadboards, you can see the statistics across classes. That's for console at least, idk if PC has a place where that info is aggregated online or w/e.
    PS4 NA
    Better Homes & Gardens
  • GlorphNoldorin
    If less people play vma, there will be less to complain about all the bugs in there. Much like pvp (the fewer that play due to the terrible performance and bugs, less to complain) and I would not put it past zos to be thinking the same for trials. How else can we explain the state of bugs and the lack of attention to them currently in trials
  • Agenericname
    weedgenius wrote: »
    ImmortalCX wrote: »
    this is not pc right? also even on pc na warden is normally like 30 a week anyways.

    Where can we see this information?

    If you check the vMA leaderboards (same place as all the other ones, Journal tab? I think) it shows you only the scores for the class that you're currently on. So if you log in on a toon of each class and check the leadboards, you can see the statistics across classes. That's for console at least, idk if PC has a place where that info is aggregated online or w/e.

    On PC you can select the leader boards for each class on top right of the screen when viewing. The default is the class you're on, but you can see the others if you want.
  • Hostee
    I’m currently ranked in the vMA all-time leaderboards for nightblade on PS4 NA...

    “Flex’s e-peen”
  • Itzmichi
    Most of the people got all the weapons they need, so there is no point in doing vma a part from boosting my ego and going for score runs - to be honest there are other things people can spend their time on.

    Still you see the biggest amount of players completing it on sorcs. So I don't really see your point?
    Here, have a chill pill 💊!
  • MJallday
    Itsmichi wrote: »
    Most of the people got all the weapons they need, so there is no point in doing vma a part from boosting my ego and going for score runs - to be honest there are other things people can spend their time on.

    Still you see the biggest amount of players completing it on sorcs. So I don't really see your point?

    i thought my point was quite clear, but let me be more specific

    the amount of people doing vMA is significantly lower than what it was, prior to the recent update.

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