Snares are counter play to those who would run. There are active counters to snares. The developers intent was to have those who use snares actively apply them by spamming.
This seems to be working as intended.
Snares are counter play to those who would run. There are active counters to snares. The developers intent was to have those who use snares actively apply them by spamming.
This seems to be working as intended.
What counters do you mean exactly?
Only counters are Foward Momentum, Cleanse, mistform, dk Wings, shuffle.
So since nearly every spammable skill has a snare or immobilize attached to it we only have 5 skills to counter snares.
Wich are 1. Class Bound (Templar, DK) 2. force you to run 2h or medium armor 3. being a vamp.
Doesnt look really balanced to me.....
Yes and no.
Snares (Slows) are fine. They should not have any period of CC immunity nor diminishing returns. Ranged use Snares to keep Melee away, and Melee use Snares to keep Ranged near. This is a dynamic that adds more tactical skill usage to combat then most might think, both in keeping the Snare applied from the perspective of the applier and in escaping from the Snare from the perspective of the target.
Immobilizations probably should have either a brief CC immunity upon breaking or a system of diminishing returns. Immobilizations in general just feel so much more powerful than every other CC type in ESO. It feels like they overshadow Stuns and Fears and so on, and that really shouldn't be the case.
I play mostly BGs.
I'm snared 100% of the time.
I play a templar and I spam my purge.. STILL snared.
I use range.. SNARED. I use melee and try to plow thru.. Endlessly out of range and SNARED.
Snared snared snared snared snared snared..
Its enough. Snares and immobilization needs to be added to CC immunity.. Or diminishing returns.. Or something.. ANYTHING..
They nerfed snares and it hasnt helped even in the slightest. Every single ability in this game practically has a 30-60% snare. WHY?????? ITS SO ANNOYING!!!
GREAT! you reduced duration? Spam the ability..
The PvP in ESO is so brain dead.
Unless of course you run Forward momentum.. That is literally the only useable counter to the snare meta..
So can we please put some kind of immunity on SNARES for the love of GOD!
Roots defintely need a cooldown, right now it's way too easy to keep control over a magicka character with them. Even stamina characters can't do much against them now that forward momentum lasts 4 seconds.