No.........just no!
"Hurr durr let me just sit back nd spam snares nd snipes from max distance on enemy players already engaged in combat like a total dirtbag."
Stop promoting this crappy excuse of a playstyle!
You derived this based on one gimmicky sustain buff?Ragnarock41 wrote: »No.........just no!
"Hurr durr let me just sit back nd spam snares nd snipes from max distance on enemy players already engaged in combat like a total dirtbag."
Stop promoting this crappy excuse of a playstyle!
This is pretty much how zenimax wants people to play stamDk, so why blame him?
Also why are you acting like this is the first time you see a bow build? If anything this is much more forgiving than eating 10-15k snipes to the knee from a stamblade.
You derived this based on one gimmicky sustain buff?Ragnarock41 wrote: »No.........just no!
"Hurr durr let me just sit back nd spam snares nd snipes from max distance on enemy players already engaged in combat like a total dirtbag."
Stop promoting this crappy excuse of a playstyle!
This is pretty much how zenimax wants people to play stamDk, so why blame him?
Also why are you acting like this is the first time you see a bow build? If anything this is much more forgiving than eating 10-15k snipes to the knee from a stamblade.
So stamdk..A brawler, stand-your-ground tank type of class (isnt that what every1 says) is now ment to be played as a range quasi interruptor. Is that what youre saying. All because they got a 'buff' that reduces their used poison damage based abilities. Is that what youre saying???
So the brawler is supposed to roam the back lines of the fight spamming ranged snares instead of being on the frontlines. Is that what youre saying!?!?
The only thing you can get out of my post is that I strongly dislike that type of leeching gameplay. What you mean why am I acting like blabla?
Also so what. Losing 2 limbs is worse than losing 1 but I still would be devastated if I lost 1 limb though. What kind of argument is that.
Also also. That being forgiving part can be discussed over. Snipes dont snare the living hell out of you and cant be spammed as fast as Spray. Snipes have a cue which leave room open for counterplay (if the game doesnt bug out that is)
One could argue a Snipe spammer would be way more forgiving to deal with than a Spray spammer while you already are engaged with other enemies and said one could be right.
Stamdk ment to be played that way according to zos...Gimme a break man
You know... It was after I posted it I thought to myself. Maybe hes just trolling.
But I went *** it, ill find out soon enough.
You got me good man I must admit lol
No.........just no!
"Hurr durr let me just sit back nd spam snares nd snipes from max distance on enemy players already engaged in combat like a total dirtbag."
Stop promoting this crappy excuse of a playstyle!
I tried the build and I actually like it a lot. I used a different setup (5PC Bone Pirate/5PC Veiled/2PC Blood Spawn | 5/2 Medium)
It's actually pretty fun and sustain is very easy with the -25% cost on poison skills (only 2k stamina cost for acid spray!)
Here's some feedback:
5 magicka skills are simply too much. Igneous+Volatile Armor and you're almost out of magicka
Swap Fossilize->Draining Shot and maybe Reflective Plate->Shuffle
Also I'm having more success with Dawnbreaker than Meteor
Ragnarock41 wrote: »You know... It was after I posted it I thought to myself. Maybe hes just trolling.
But I went *** it, ill find out soon enough.
You got me good man I must admit lol
on a serious note world in ruin changes actually benefit bow stamDks more than anyone else, that much is not sarcasm. (a change meant to help PvE dps, they probably believe the class is fine in PvP from my understanding.)
exeeter702 wrote: »No.........just no!
"Hurr durr let me just sit back nd spam snares nd snipes from max distance on enemy players already engaged in combat like a total dirtbag."
Stop promoting this crappy excuse of a playstyle!
No offense to the op, he/she means well and put the post together well enough, but while i do not think the build is particularly good, to take offense from the mere idea of a ranged bow build is hilarious, should i assume this is your first mmo? Crappy excuse of a play style? Lol what? There are dynamics to ranged kiting and keeping melee off of you and has been a staple of mmorpgs for as long as the genre has existed. Also to force DK into a singular aechetype (a stand your ground tanky brawler... ok?) is incredibly disingenuous and inaccurate.
Ragnarock41 wrote: »You know... It was after I posted it I thought to myself. Maybe hes just trolling.
But I went *** it, ill find out soon enough.
You got me good man I must admit lol
on a serious note world in ruin changes actually benefit bow stamDks more than anyone else, that much is not sarcasm. (a change meant to help PvE dps, they probably believe the class is fine in PvP from my understanding.)
Ragnarock41 wrote: »You know... It was after I posted it I thought to myself. Maybe hes just trolling.
But I went *** it, ill find out soon enough.
You got me good man I must admit lol
on a serious note world in ruin changes actually benefit bow stamDks more than anyone else, that much is not sarcasm. (a change meant to help PvE dps, they probably believe the class is fine in PvP from my understanding.)
The change is weird. DK didnt really need that buff. If they wanted to help with sustain they should have reworked battle roar imo. Not make 2 (3 if you count stinky breath too) already cheap abilities even cheaper (for pve that is). And make it easier for people to spam ranged snares like crazy (in pvp).
Heavy attack rotations already had no sustain issues and light attack rotations were doable if you didnt have to recast your aoe's prematurely and you had shard/orb support.
I do wonder if the poison morph of the bow ult also gets reduced in cost. Corrosive didntexeeter702 wrote: »No.........just no!
"Hurr durr let me just sit back nd spam snares nd snipes from max distance on enemy players already engaged in combat like a total dirtbag."
Stop promoting this crappy excuse of a playstyle!
No offense to the op, he/she means well and put the post together well enough, but while i do not think the build is particularly good, to take offense from the mere idea of a ranged bow build is hilarious, should i assume this is your first mmo? Crappy excuse of a play style? Lol what? There are dynamics to ranged kiting and keeping melee off of you and has been a staple of mmorpgs for as long as the genre has existed. Also to force DK into a singular aechetype (a stand your ground tanky brawler... ok?) is incredibly disingenuous and inaccurate.
The only thing hilarious is you trying to lecture people while not knowing what theyre talking about.
Dracan_Fontom wrote: »Is snipe just some sort of taboo so that just seeing it on a bar makes people automatically hate build? Kind of pathetic to be honest. I saw the first video and didn't see snipe used nearly as much as Acid Spray.
Op, I applaud you for trying something different. It looks like a solid and interesting playstyle. While I would change some skills and gear here and there, it was interesting to watch. You do you, just ignore the naysayers.
Dracan_Fontom wrote: »Is snipe just some sort of taboo so that just seeing it on a bar makes people automatically hate build? Kind of pathetic to be honest. I saw the first video and didn't see snipe used nearly as much as Acid Spray.
Op, I applaud you for trying something different. It looks like a solid and interesting playstyle. While I would change some skills and gear here and there, it was interesting to watch. You do you, just ignore the naysayers.
Amongst the 1vX/Small Scale community that ability is viewed with more hate then anything else in this game. Ask any 1vXer what ability they want removed from the game. They’ll all answer the same.
It takes 0 skill to sit in the back of a zerg and spam snipe. Couple that with the defile and the fact it will lag and hit you all at once the ability is just downright cancer.
Actually it’s not equivalent logic, because in order to kill people in WOW on a mage or hunter you have to actually have skill.Dracan_Fontom wrote: »Is snipe just some sort of taboo so that just seeing it on a bar makes people automatically hate build? Kind of pathetic to be honest. I saw the first video and didn't see snipe used nearly as much as Acid Spray.
Op, I applaud you for trying something different. It looks like a solid and interesting playstyle. While I would change some skills and gear here and there, it was interesting to watch. You do you, just ignore the naysayers.
Amongst the 1vX/Small Scale community that ability is viewed with more hate then anything else in this game. Ask any 1vXer what ability they want removed from the game. They’ll all answer the same.
It takes 0 skill to sit in the back of a zerg and spam snipe. Couple that with the defile and the fact it will lag and hit you all at once the ability is just downright cancer.
The skill just needs the de-sync issues fixed. As it took minimal skill to counter prior to the net code becoming garbage and snipe isn't the only skill with the issue either, just for whatever reason it's the favorite whipping child. And 1vXers cry cause they can't pull snipe spammers into bottle necks to ult dump. It actually plays a very important role if eso actually had decent pvp modes. You will never see e-sports based around something as garbage as cyro. So play stupid games(aka cyro) win stupid prizes(getting zerged and ranged spammed). The logic is equivalent to saying that cause mages and hunters in WOW could stand at the back in AV and launch spells and attacks at the front line melee that they should be removed from the game.
No offense, man, but from my personal experience and from what I have seen over the years, the way for Bow-mains to be successful is to pack a ton of raw damage, which is something your build utterly lacks. At the same time, your sustain is not exactly too great with 1.3k stam recovery. I can understand the choices you made while making the setup, choosing survivability and group support over damage or sustain, even then this build is rather squishy, especially considering that you are a DK. For these reasons, I think you will have a hard time staying alive if focused by anyone.
Comparing it to other classes of bow builds, you will find that templars have slightly higher damage potential and sustain even with Poison abilities with the new rune, sorcs have a natural execution in place, wardens have higher sustain and survivability and lastly NBs have way higher damage potential, sustain and survivability via Cloak.
For e.g. my NB Khajiit bow build has opposite stats compared to yours. 5k effective weapon damage, 60% crit, 37k stamina, 200% crit damage multiplier, 18k penetration, 2k stam recovery, 14k magicka but at the cost of having only 13k HP out of PvP (becomes 18.3k in PvP) and only 17k resists, 1.4k crit resists fully buffed with just 2 impen on gear. But, in spite of my ridiculously low HP, I hardly ever die unless zerged down, due to the insane survivability Cloak brings to the table, along with a 17k tooltip Vigor, which crits a lot for me. Most people die in one or two snipes, which indirectly helps me survive as you can't kill me if you are already dead.
I can easily pump out over 10K DPS on two different targets solo, killing them both.
Interestingly, I fought a S&B back bar/Bow main bar StamDK just a few days, with a very similar setup to yours (5 impregnable, 5 morag tong, 2 velidreth)
My basic skill use is quite similar to yours but I use Power Extraction instead of Acid Spray, as Power Extraction got a 10k tooltip for me and hits far harder than Acid Spray and generates Ultimate and gives magicka max bonus from Siphoning passives, even though it is at melee range.
Actually it’s not equivalent logic, because in order to kill people in WOW on a mage or hunter you have to actually have skill.Dracan_Fontom wrote: »Is snipe just some sort of taboo so that just seeing it on a bar makes people automatically hate build? Kind of pathetic to be honest. I saw the first video and didn't see snipe used nearly as much as Acid Spray.
Op, I applaud you for trying something different. It looks like a solid and interesting playstyle. While I would change some skills and gear here and there, it was interesting to watch. You do you, just ignore the naysayers.
Amongst the 1vX/Small Scale community that ability is viewed with more hate then anything else in this game. Ask any 1vXer what ability they want removed from the game. They’ll all answer the same.
It takes 0 skill to sit in the back of a zerg and spam snipe. Couple that with the defile and the fact it will lag and hit you all at once the ability is just downright cancer.
The skill just needs the de-sync issues fixed. As it took minimal skill to counter prior to the net code becoming garbage and snipe isn't the only skill with the issue either, just for whatever reason it's the favorite whipping child. And 1vXers cry cause they can't pull snipe spammers into bottle necks to ult dump. It actually plays a very important role if eso actually had decent pvp modes. You will never see e-sports based around something as garbage as cyro. So play stupid games(aka cyro) win stupid prizes(getting zerged and ranged spammed). The logic is equivalent to saying that cause mages and hunters in WOW could stand at the back in AV and launch spells and attacks at the front line melee that they should be removed from the game.
It wasnt sarcasm. You just missed the point.exeeter702 wrote: »Ragnarock41 wrote: »You know... It was after I posted it I thought to myself. Maybe hes just trolling.
But I went *** it, ill find out soon enough.
You got me good man I must admit lol
on a serious note world in ruin changes actually benefit bow stamDks more than anyone else, that much is not sarcasm. (a change meant to help PvE dps, they probably believe the class is fine in PvP from my understanding.)
The change is weird. DK didnt really need that buff. If they wanted to help with sustain they should have reworked battle roar imo. Not make 2 (3 if you count stinky breath too) already cheap abilities even cheaper (for pve that is). And make it easier for people to spam ranged snares like crazy (in pvp).
Heavy attack rotations already had no sustain issues and light attack rotations were doable if you didnt have to recast your aoe's prematurely and you had shard/orb support.
I do wonder if the poison morph of the bow ult also gets reduced in cost. Corrosive didntexeeter702 wrote: »No.........just no!
"Hurr durr let me just sit back nd spam snares nd snipes from max distance on enemy players already engaged in combat like a total dirtbag."
Stop promoting this crappy excuse of a playstyle!
No offense to the op, he/she means well and put the post together well enough, but while i do not think the build is particularly good, to take offense from the mere idea of a ranged bow build is hilarious, should i assume this is your first mmo? Crappy excuse of a play style? Lol what? There are dynamics to ranged kiting and keeping melee off of you and has been a staple of mmorpgs for as long as the genre has existed. Also to force DK into a singular aechetype (a stand your ground tanky brawler... ok?) is incredibly disingenuous and inaccurate.
The only thing hilarious is you trying to lecture people while not knowing what theyre talking about.
Fair enough if your orginal comment that was quoted was sarcasm. Otherwise, the point stands.
No.........just no!
"Hurr durr let me just sit back nd spam snares nd snipes from max distance on enemy players already engaged in combat like a total dirtbag."
Stop promoting this crappy excuse of a playstyle!
You derived this based on one gimmicky sustain buff?Ragnarock41 wrote: »No.........just no!
"Hurr durr let me just sit back nd spam snares nd snipes from max distance on enemy players already engaged in combat like a total dirtbag."
Stop promoting this crappy excuse of a playstyle!
This is pretty much how zenimax wants people to play stamDk, so why blame him?
Also why are you acting like this is the first time you see a bow build? If anything this is much more forgiving than eating 10-15k snipes to the knee from a stamblade.
So stamdk..A brawler, stand-your-ground tank type of class (isnt that what every1 says) is now ment to be played as a range quasi interruptor. Is that what youre saying. All because they got a 'buff' that reduces their used poison damage based abilities. Is that what youre saying???
So the brawler is supposed to roam the back lines of the fight spamming ranged snares instead of being on the frontlines. Is that what youre saying!?!?
The only thing you can get out of my post is that I strongly dislike that type of leeching gameplay. What you mean why am I acting like blabla?
Also so what. Losing 2 limbs is worse than losing 1 but I still would be devastated if I lost 1 limb though. What kind of argument is that.
Also also. That being forgiving part can be discussed over. Snipes dont snare the living hell out of you and cant be spammed as fast as Spray. Snipes have a cue which leave room open for counterplay (if the game doesnt bug out that is)
One could argue a Snipe spammer would be way more forgiving to deal with than a Spray spammer while you already are engaged with other enemies and said one could be right.
Stamdk ment to be played that way according to zos...Gimme a break man
It wasnt sarcasm. You just missed the point.exeeter702 wrote: »Ragnarock41 wrote: »You know... It was after I posted it I thought to myself. Maybe hes just trolling.
But I went *** it, ill find out soon enough.
You got me good man I must admit lol
on a serious note world in ruin changes actually benefit bow stamDks more than anyone else, that much is not sarcasm. (a change meant to help PvE dps, they probably believe the class is fine in PvP from my understanding.)
The change is weird. DK didnt really need that buff. If they wanted to help with sustain they should have reworked battle roar imo. Not make 2 (3 if you count stinky breath too) already cheap abilities even cheaper (for pve that is). And make it easier for people to spam ranged snares like crazy (in pvp).
Heavy attack rotations already had no sustain issues and light attack rotations were doable if you didnt have to recast your aoe's prematurely and you had shard/orb support.
I do wonder if the poison morph of the bow ult also gets reduced in cost. Corrosive didntexeeter702 wrote: »No.........just no!
"Hurr durr let me just sit back nd spam snares nd snipes from max distance on enemy players already engaged in combat like a total dirtbag."
Stop promoting this crappy excuse of a playstyle!
No offense to the op, he/she means well and put the post together well enough, but while i do not think the build is particularly good, to take offense from the mere idea of a ranged bow build is hilarious, should i assume this is your first mmo? Crappy excuse of a play style? Lol what? There are dynamics to ranged kiting and keeping melee off of you and has been a staple of mmorpgs for as long as the genre has existed. Also to force DK into a singular aechetype (a stand your ground tanky brawler... ok?) is incredibly disingenuous and inaccurate.
The only thing hilarious is you trying to lecture people while not knowing what theyre talking about.
Fair enough if your orginal comment that was quoted was sarcasm. Otherwise, the point stands.