The world of Tamriel is ridiculously compressed. I discovered this early on when I first came to the city of Daggerfall and saw how tiny it was (the little town of Daggerfall more like it). A far cry from its size in Elder Scrolls 2. Not only is it tiny, but takes up most of the southwestern end of Highrock.
Perhaps this is on scale with previous Elder Scrolls games from Morrowind on, but it feels even more compressed.
I also play Lord of the Rings Online and just the TOWN of Bree-town is much bigger than the City of Daggerfall. And of course cities in LotRo are significantly bigger, like Dol Amroth or Minas Tirith. And those are still small compared to what they ought to be in the "reality" of Middle-earth.
In any case looking at the map of Tamriel so far, as realized in ESO, it seems half or even most of the continent is already used in the game. And your confined largely to this one continent. Meanwhile, a game like LotRo, 11 years old, is already crazy ginormous in landscape and yet they still have vast amounts of lands that they could still add to the game for years and years and years to come. Heck they could even go off beyond the edges of the Middle-earth map if they wanted, since the whole continent was never shown on those maps.
What happens to ESO when they run out of space to add new landscape content? I feel like they ought to have made the scale of Tamriel A LOT larger. Not Elder Scrolls 2 huge, but at least maybe 3 or 4 times larger. This would give them much more room for adding new landscape over the years.