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Wood elf Warden Tank Armor Question!

Hi! I recently got my Warden tank (pve) to 50 (with cp585 from my main). She doesn't have all her passives or even all her class skills maxed yet, nor undaunted mettle and the like. I've gone off this build and can tank normal ICP without issues. However I don't have Alkosh yet and probably won't be able to get it in a long, long time. I run 5x Ebon, 2x Stormfist (I have the Lord Warden Helmet, just no luck with shoulders yet), and 5x Fortified Brass. As a wood elf warden I'm not the tankiest tank and the Fortified Brass helps a lot. I'm an average player so I make mistakes but do my best.

I do very little DPS, maybe 1-2k, so I'm useless with trash mob groups (I try to use silver chain to pull them all to one place for DPS to aoe them down easier). And I think, while Fortified Brass is helping me hardly worry about my HP and covers me if I make mistakes, there is probably a better set out there. I will get Alkosh...just, it's going to take time. I hardly do trials on my main, my guilds hardly do trials, and I plan on camping out in Craglorn hoping to get nMoL occasionally (I can craft, so blues are fine, I can improve them). I just need very specific pieces (2 swords, 2 shields, 1 ring -got one already-, and 1 necklace). And, as odd as this sounds since it's meta, I don't want to use Torug's. I really don't. I know most of you will say "JUST USE TORUG'S!" I really, really don't want to use it. I want a set where all the buffs help and Torug's is used only for the 5/5 enchantment buff. Also, honestly, I want something easy to get while I whittle away at getting Alkosh (again, I bet, you're saying, "USE TORUG's!"), but humour me pretty please? I'm not going to use my tank for trials, just for four-party dungeons and mostly just among friends. Once I get Alkosh and up my stuff (including play ability), I may venture out and do more. I've already got a list of overland sets that seem good but I don't know enough to know which is best. So my question is, if Torug's didn't exsist, which overland set would pair good with 5x Ebon and 2x Stormfist/Lord Warden as a little wood elf warden tank ?

Akaviri Dragonguard
Bahraha's Curse
Champion of the Hist
Dead-water's Guile
Hide of the Werewolf
Storm Knight's Plate
Syvarra's Scales
Twin Sisters

Or Warrior-Poet (for selfish reasons)

Thanks for your time guys!

(Side note: I'm dreading doing any pve quest on my own since my dps is blah lol. I haven't even finished the main story on her due to it.)
  • MartiniDaniels
    There is new Battalion defender set, it helps a lot both tank and a group, try it with ebon. Resistancies can be capped without brass armor, i’ll recommend lord wardens monster set for it.
  • BejaProphet
    Do you want us to choose only from sets your list?

    Btw, if you are doing a good job stacking the mobs then you are not useless on trash fights.
  • kojou
    Out of the choices listed, I would say Dragonguard. Nothing wrong with Fortified Brass if you are not at armor cap.

    I also like troll king as a starter tank monster set. It really helps recover from mistakes. With vigor you can also give the buff to you team. Bloodspawn would also be a good choice.

    Leeching plate is also good if you need more survivability, but you didn't have it listed.
    Playing since beta...
  • BejaProphet
    If I woke up tomorrow without my Alkosh I would be looking at the following sets...

    Powerful assault to boost group dps (I open every fight with razor caltrops. It is a fabulous tool. Or Torig to boos dps but you said not that.

    Desert rose for better sustain leading to increased group utility.

    The new battalion defender which @MartiniDaniels mentioned.

    Plague Doctor. It’s not an advanced tank option, but there is a reason the game developer tank runs it pretty much every time they live stream doing a new dungeon of a new vet HM.

    I can’t say for sure where exactly I’d land. Keep in mind that the majority of DPS boosting you do will come from Pierce Armor+ infusedcrusher. So it’s not like you are gimped much by not having Alkosh. It’s just that dps boosting becomes disproportionately important in trials due to the number of Dps players receiving benefit. It’s good in dungeons also, but not a requirement like in trials.

    Also martini gave you solid advice on maxing resistances via other means and Lord Warden is indeed one of the good choices for that.

    Good luck
  • tennyoelf
    @MartiniDaniels Thank you for the suggestion! Battalion Defender seems possible. I'll look into it. And I have the Lord Warden head, just waiting to get shoulders.

    @BejaProphet Any set that can be bought from a guild trader/merchant is what I'm looking for, the sets I listed are the ones most easily acquired for me.

    And I try to stack mobs lol, I may not be the best at it lol! I tryyyyy!! >.<

    Thank you for your suggestions, I'm definitely interested in Battalion Defender, depends on how easy I can get it.

    @kojou I'm not at armor cap yet. Dragonguard does seem good since I have aggressive warhorn. Popping that out 15% faster and more often seems awesome.

    I have Lord Warden helm, I just need his shoulders, which, after 15 keys, got not luck (I'm doing the right chest, I got Zaan shoulders for my main). So I'm this "| |" close to getting Lord Warden. Stupid RNG, boo! lol

    Thanks!! :)

  • BejaProphet
    I think battalion defender is crafted. Powerful assault is hard to earn but relatively easy to buy on broker. Desert rose is earned in cyrodiil but again bought from broker.

    Edit note: plague doctor is from broker also.
    Edited by BejaProphet on November 7, 2018 7:13PM
  • MartiniDaniels
    We gonna keep fingers crossed on your RNG sistah, 'ope you get a lucky drop next time on Urgala'h chest :D
  • Liofa
    Akaviri Dragonguard is your best bet out of those.

    NEVER use Warrior-Poet on a Warden. You already have Minor Toughness from class passives.
  • tennyoelf
    I think battalion defender is crafted. Powerful assault is hard to earn but relatively easy to buy on broker. Desert rose is earned in cyrodiil but again bought from broker.

    Edit note: plague doctor is from broker also.

    I'll head over to TTC and start looking for it! Thank you again! :thumbs up:

    We gonna keep fingers crossed on your RNG sistah, 'ope you get a lucky drop next time on Urgala'h chest :D

    Thank youuuuuuu~!!! I'm about to log on and do some pledges and hopefully that luck will hold! <3

    Liofa wrote: »
    Akaviri Dragonguard is your best bet out of those.

    NEVER use Warrior-Poet on a Warden. You already have Minor Toughness from class passives.

    Oh! Thank you very much! I didn't see that yet because I don't have all my passives! And thank you for the suggestions! It's definitely between Dragonguard and Battalion right now.

    Edited by tennyoelf on November 7, 2018 7:28PM
  • zaria
    Running my skillpoint starved Khajiit DK tank with ebon and torugs pact, works nice for me and no you can not do damage as tank unlike healers. You can go into fake tank mode but pulling in trash is an dps boost to.
    Not done vet dlc yet, skill point starved
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Joxer61
    keep in the disclaimer made at the top of that build video...."end game only", so use it as a guide if that's not where you at yet! ;)
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