Uneven numbers in cyro

PC Eu, AD roll over vivec out of EU prime time, Sotha EP roll over this pop locked to 1 bar dc and ad most days, @ZOS_BrianWheeler could something to be done about population imbalances, maybe let people have multi guest campaigns. I love this game and most of my friends do, but its frustrating fighting against numbers where you have no chance to win, escape, fight back, take keeps without over 100 players coming to those cross swords or keep UA. when one side has pop locked and the others have 1 each doesn't make for nice gameplay for any side. im sure someone can confirm AD have won how many vivec campaigns in last few years, how many have EP won in sotha, id say roughly 22 over last 2 years. I don't expect sides to be even , but when one side has more players than both others together it ends up 2v1 not the 3 way fight cyro is meant to be. I played on EP sotha and most agree with me that pveing guards isn't fun, because if even you do find a fight, the ep faction zerg will come rolling over as soon as those swords appear on the map. Any one have ideas to stop this imbalance for campaigns that would make it more even across all ? maybe limit 1 bar difference between factions maybe 2 not pop locked vs 1 bar. thank you
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