"please leave the dungeon"

So, over the weekend, I used Activity Finder to get a random dungeon. I wound up in Crypt of Hearts 2. Two players besides myself were pulled in randomly--we all met at a portal at the start of the dungeon. I took the portal, which dumped me at the ending point, where the final bosses had been defeated already. The remaining original player for that run greeted me with (text chat) "Please leave the dungeon". I asked why, but didn't get an answer. They then logged off, but were still showing in the group (as offline).

Weird, I thought, but I figured I would poke around the dungeon a little bit. Moments later, I got a text chat from one of my fellow new players that said "U need to leave the dungeon". Again, I asked why, but also no answer. I left the group because..whatever, man. But I've been wondering about this ever since. I've been playing for years now, using the activity finder and have been kicked from dungeons for being too low leveled (I assume) but I'm at CP535 now and I think I was actually the highest level in the group at the time. I feel like if it were personal in some way, they would have just kicked me.

Anyone have any thoughts?

XB1 if that has any bearing...

  • Nestor
    Random things happen in random groups.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Anotherone773
    Your group has to leave the dungeon to reset it, AFAIK.
  • mateosalvaje
    Maybe they were trying to reset it?
    I've been wrong before, and I'll be wrong again.
  • Creationofgod
    Sometimes the dungeon gets bugged if you try to run the same dungeon with part of the group you play with !
    it happened to me a few times when farming for a set with a few other players.

    the only solution is for everybody to leave the dungeon and teleport to the dungeon without using group finder.

    or just leave the group and start a new dungeon search trough the dungeon finder!

    you were unlucky enough to get paired with a few people who were farming and got this bug , nothing to do about it !
    PC eu. Main : Magplar cp 320
  • Creationofgod
    please note : that if you leave the group you will get an 8 minute timeout for using the dungeon finder to much !
    PC eu. Main : Magplar cp 320
  • Nestor
    And, leaving the dungeon does not mean leaving the group. Just exit and wait to be asked to travel back
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Donny_Vito
    please note : that if you leave the group you will get an 8 minute timeout for using the dungeon finder to much !

    It's actually 15 minutes, but the timer is based upon when you form the group I believe. So if you form the group, go into the dungeon for awhile and poke around to figure out it's already bugged you'll be sitting around 10 minutes or so on the timer. It's unfortunate.
  • Ecileh71
    Thanks, all.
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