...Why would they have PVE enemies spam their powers?
There are many mechanics in the game where as a mag user or even stamina you can no longer run or dodge an enemy or boss attack. What’s worse is that they spam it over and over, leading to almost mindless heal/shield spam
Take for example, the daedroth in vMA stage 9. It’s a constant stream of fire that you can barely run from, dodge for one second but when the evasion from dodge ends the attack continues!
It’s so damage heavy that even now when I run VMA shield spam is still the most effective thing for me!
There are so many examples of enemies throwing around high damage attacks with no regard to how actually fun and rewarding it may be to go through it
Falk vet is terrible at the end where spam and dodging is the only way to do it. I’m a 810+ vet player who’s done every vet dungeon, most vet trials, as every role
Without fail I tend to outlive my teammates and do the most damage, the former as all roles, the latter as a DPS
ZOS in the past and now has actively discouraged spamming 1-3 powers in favor of using more diverse power set
Yet they don’t adequately do the same to enemies. Low enemies, mini bosses, and major bosses all of some element of nonstop attacks and spam, most of which tend to be high
If they have to nerf player spam, at least do the same with enemies.