I would really like to see a vampire dlc that makes being a vampire feel more like a vampire.
What I would like to see is a full skill line for it. 5 abilities 1 ult. With the current version most people really only pick it for its passives and not it’s abilities which is kinda sad.
Another idea to go with it. Is to give it 2 paths like werewolves with 2 different strands of vampirism. One like the current version and where your skin goes pale and your eyes glow red but not so ugly looking. Lol
Another thing is I would like to see it where our vampire abilities don’t increase our stage, and make it completely time based.
It would also be really cool to get a house like werewolves for but for vampires. A castle or mansion where it’s always a stormy night with with heavy rain would be awesome. Id absolutely love that.
Just some of my thoughts! Vampires are my absolute favorite and I’d love for them to be more immersive